• Classroom Rules, Consequences, and Expectations


    1. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
    2. Treat everyone with respect at all times.
    3. Listen carefully when the teacher is teaching and ask questions.
    4. Follow the teachers' directions quickly and as given.
    5. Be prepared every day with all the required items daily.
    6. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    7. Challenge yourself (be okay with mistakes)


    A non-verbal warning.

    A verbal warning.

    Student - Teacher one-on-one meeting.

    Your Passport Card is signed and a message home (phone and/or email).

    Sent to a Buddy Room or Office

    This is the standard order for consequences. However, depending on repetition or severity of the offense, steps may be skipped.


    Follow T.I.T.A.N. expectations everywhere on campus and at all times:

    T - Teachable: Active listening, Active Participation, Take Pride in work
    I - Integrity:
    Be on Time, Use Technology Appropriately
    T - TenderHearted:
    Treat school property with respect, Treat others with kindness and respect
    A - Accountable:
    Clean up after yourself, Come prepared, Attend to assigned task, Phones/earbuds off and in backpack
    N - Noble:
    Keep hands/feet to self Sit safely, Use Proper Volume, Walk at all times, Push in chairs when not in use