•                                           HOMEWORK:

    The regular reading homework will be a reading log of some sort. They are due every Friday (or Thursday, if there is no school on a Friday); however, make-up work or incomplete in-class work might become homework. Optional "No Red Ink" assignments can be completed in the students' free time, to improve their grammar (spelling, punctuation, etc.). Additional 'rewards' will be given to students who do theirs as the year progresses. Students can potentially get in trouble with their teachers if they rarely fill out/turn in their reading logs. 

    Most importantly, students must read around 30 minutes each weekday at home. If time permits, students can read in their free time, but in ELA class there is a lot to do in such a short time. On every reading log there is a section for guardians to sign their child's work, but that is just strongly encouraged and not mandatory. Each student is expected to complete all homework assignments and turn them in on time. However, if an emergency should occur, we will accept late homework per the district guidelines (district deadlines for report cards will supersede this exception). 



    Park Meadows is proud to promote the All Things E.Q. program to support your child’s social-emotional learning (SEL). We are very excited about giving fifth graders a positive voice through our class discussions and encouragement to become individuals of character.  Each week includes a motto that will be taught and reinforced daily.  

    Our school is a positive behavior support school, which means we celebrate students for displaying positive behaviors.

    At Park Meadows, we are Prepared, Accountable, Respectful, and Kind.

    Within the classroom, all students are expected to adhere to those norms. Additionally, 5th (and 6th)  graders will be using P.A.R.K. Cards (an upgraded version of GRIT cards, for those who have had students in our classes prior) to reinforce positive behaviors. A separate letter detailing the P.A.R.K. Card will be sent home within the first week of school. Email for any additional questions and clarifications.

    PLEASE check your students' P.A.R.K. Card DAILY!!!!