
           This is Ms. Weber's second year at Park, both teaching ELA, or reading and writing. She absolutely loves her job, and has lots of energy, being only 23 years old. Reading and writing are her favorite subjects, and wants reading/writing to be enjoyable for others, even those who struggle or don't particularly like it! We will do lots of cursive, and the occasional letter writing, on the side of our main lessons. 

           Prior, she came from 4th grade at Desert Sage Elementary. She has a big family: three younger sisters, an older stepbrother, two nephews, and a few other close immediate family members. She has two dogs, a Pitbull-Whippet mix (mostly Pit) and a Cairn Terrier (basically a Shih Tzu). Ms. Weber loves painting, drawing, making jewelry, organizing, writing, reading, dying her hair, and trying new things. As stated, we have two dogs, and love spending time outside (moreso in the cooler weather). Ms. Weber is pen pals with a few of her grandparents, and is trying to get the rest into writing more, as well! Hopefully the students can write their old teachers, and each other, as time passes! 


    Some things Ms. Weber likes: 

    GREEN, rainbows!!!, pencils, butterflies and ladybugs, humpback whales, coffee and sweet tea (Dutch Bros mostly), Crunch (chocolate bars), dark chocolate, trail mix, crackers, cheez-its, apple-themed items, stickers, colors, homemade cards, and Harry Styles (from One Direction<3).


    (Harry Styles is the most realistic gift option. Feel free to surprise her with him, as it is not only super easy to do, free, but he is also super attainable. <3)