• S.E.A.S. (Safe, Engage, Accountable, Self-Control)  

    Ms. Newport’s Classroom Expectations, Rewards, & Consequences  


    It is important that every child feels safe and cared about while at school and the classroom community remains supportive and positive. An emphasis will be placed on respect and what it looks like in the classroom.  Students will understand that respect is acting or speaking in a way that shows you care about how you are affecting othersDisrespect is unnecessary or selfishly having a negative effect on others.


    Village Meadows Elementary School uses positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) to promote school safety and good behavior.  With PBIS, students will learn about behavior expectations throughout the campus and classroom using the S.E.A.S (Safe, Engage, Accountable, Self-Control) Matrix. 


    Students will also learn a Core Essential Value each month.  Core values enable students to make good choices in the classroom. 


    Using Core Essential Values, PBIS, and understanding respect and disrespect will promote a positive, productive, and safe learning environment for all students.


    Ms. Newport’s Classroom Behavior Expectations

    Follow the teacher's directions the first time.

    • Engage learning by actively participating in the lessons  

    Look and listen while others are talking. 

    • Class discussion is an important part of the classroom.

    Be kind to yourself and others. 

    • Demonstrate respect for yourself and others

    Be safe. 

    • Demonstrate choices that are emotionally and physically safe

    Obey all the school rules. 

    • Follow the PBIS matrix


    Positive Feedback from Ms. Newport

    Viking Vouchers 

    Happy Email to Parents/Guardians 



    Step 1: More Practice (Whole Group/Small Group/Individual

    Step 2: Warning with Redirection

    Step 3: Warning - Loss of Recess 

    Step 4: Reflection Sheet & Email/Phone Parents 


    *Severity Clause

    If the student’s behavior is unsafe or is a serious disruption such as fighting, destroying property, or severe deviance, they will be referred to the office. The parent/guardian will be contacted.