• History and International Mindedness

    International-mindedness is an umbrella term through which the IB defines the goal of international  education, and which is exemplified by the emphasis in all IB programmes on promoting global  engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding. 

    The DP history course is designed in such a way as to explicitly reinforce the emphasis on the development  of international-mindedness. For example, one of the key concepts that weaves throughout the course  is perspectives, and, more specifically, an emphasis on encouraging students to appreciate multiple  perspectives. In addition, all students are required to study case studies and examples from different regions  of the world, with comparison of such examples helping to ensure that the course adopts a transnational  perspective. Teachers also have a great deal of freedom to choose relevant examples to explore with  their students, helping to ensure that the course appropriately meets their students’ needs and interests regardless of their location or context. 

    Throughout the DP history course, students have the opportunity to explore historical events that  have played a key role in shaping the world today, deepening their understanding of the complex and  interconnected nature of past and present events. For example, students explore historical examples of  many of the global challenges facing the world today, such as conflict, rights and governance. This helps  to meet one of the central aims of the course—to increase students’ understanding of themselves and of  contemporary society by encouraging reflection on the past. 

    IB History Assessment Objectives

    Assessment objective 1: Knowledge and understanding

    • Demonstrate detailed, relevant and accurate historical knowledge.

    • Demonstrate understanding of historical concepts and context.

    • Demonstrate understanding of historical sources. (Internal assessment and paper 1)

    Assessment objective 2: Application and analysis

    • Formulate clear and coherent arguments.

    • Use relevant historical knowledge to effectively support analysis.

    • Analyse and interpret a variety of sources. (Internal assessment and paper 1)

    Assessment objective 3: Synthesis and evaluation

    • Integrate evidence and analysis to produce a coherent response.

    • Evaluate different perspectives on historical issues and events, and integrate this evaluation effectively

    into a response.

    • Evaluate sources as historical evidence, recognizing their value and limitations. (Internal assessment

    and paper 1)

    • Synthesize information from a selection of relevant sources. (Internal assessment and paper 1)

    Assessment objective 4: Use and application of appropriate skills

    • Structure and develop focused essays that respond effectively to the demands of a question.

    • Reflect on the methods used by, and challenges facing, the historian. (Internal assessment)

    • Formulate an appropriate, focused question to guide a historical inquiry. (Internal assessment)

    • Demonstrate evidence of research skills, organization, referencing and selection of appropriate

    sources. (Internal assessment)

    Course of Study

    IB Junior Year (fall semester):

    • Topic 10 Emergence of the Americas in global affairs (1880-1929)
    • Topic 14 Political Developments in Latin America (1945-1980)

    IB Senior Year (spring semester

    • Topic 17 Civil Rights and social movements in the Americas (post 1945)