• Kindergarten Readiness Checklist


    Can find their assigned seat

    Follows classroom rules and procedures

    Manages bathroom without help (potty-trained)

    Walks and follows a line

    Asks for help using a hand raise

    Verbally expresses wants and needs

    Plays well with others - sharing/respect

    Participates in circle/carpet time

    Handles frustrations appropriately

    Follows 2-step directions

    Can sit on carpet silently - crisscross applesauce for 10 minutes

    Works on a task until completion

    Carries own backpack and unpacks backpack independently

    Leaves parents at the gate during morning drop off



    Directed drawing

    Identifies basic colors

    Identifies shapes

    Sorts by color and shape

    Identifies and writes their own first name

    Knows uppercase and lowercase letters

    Identifies numbers 0-10

    Understands concept of more or less

    Colors in lines