• This course is a 4 week in-person learning experience. Good attendance and participation are required to master the concepts and pass the course.

    Here are some things you can do to be successful:

    • Be in your seat by 3:45pm. If a student is more than 10 minutes late, they are marked absent. Only 2 absences are allowed.
    • Come to class prepared. Bring your charged district issued device, pencils, and a notebook.
    • Be an active learner during the entire instructional time: 3:45pm - 7:15pm
      • Participate in daily lessons by collaborating with peers, responding to teacher questions, and taking notes.
    • Complete all assigned work during the class meeting. There is no homework unless daily coursework is not completed.
    • Be respectful of peers and teachers.
    • Follow the 好色导航dress code policy.
    • Use technology appropriately - no cell phones, airpods, or earbuds (etc) in class.
    • Ask questions.


    Course Syllabus