• Practicing Respect, Accepting Responsibility, Working Together, Safety Matters











    Practicing Respect

    • Listen to directions

    • Raise your hand

    • Stay in your own space

    • Use your own tools

    • Listen to directions

    • Raise your hand for permission to leave seat

    • Keep your hands on your own plate and utensils

    • Speak quietly and politely to others

    • Listen to directions

    • Use kind words 

    • Line-up when the whistle is blown

    • Listen to directions

    • Keep hands and feet to self

    • Wave quietly in greeting to others

    • Stay in your own space

    • Maintain privacy for self and others

    • Take care of the space

    • Listen to directions

    • Raise your hand

    • Walk in quietly 

    • Sit at assigned 

    • Use gentle hands

    • Use two hands to3 hold device

    • Use assigned programs only


    Accepting Responsibility

    • Come to school on time and ready

    • Keep your space clean

    • Know your lunch number

    • Keep your space clean and pick up floor and table 

    • Stay in assigned play areas

    • Clean up any equipment you use

    • Stay on sidewalks

    • Go directly to where you need to go

    • Follow guidelines for dismissal 

    • Flush, wash, dry and goodbye

    • Keep restroom clean and neat 

    • Hold books with two hands

    • Return books on time

    • Replace damaged property

    • Keep tech in assigned locations only

    • Personal devices are off and kept in backpack


    Working Together

    • Take turns

    • Use kind words

    • Say please and thank you

    • Keep room clean

    • Stand in line patiently 

    • Keep space in front and behind you

    • Pick up trash even if it’s not yours

    • Take turns

    • Include others

    • Follow game rules

    • Share

    • Walk in FLASH lines

    • Walk on the right side of the hallway

    • Use your grade-level bathroom

    • 1 student at a time from each class

    • Come at your assigned time

    • Keep books in their space

    • Ask for help

    • Ask for help


    Safety Matters

    • Keep hands feet and body to self 

    • Use walking feet

    • Push in your chair

    • Use supplies safely

    • Keep items off of the floor

    • Keep hands feet and body to self 

    • Use walking feet

    • Eat your own food only

    • Keep personal items in the cubbies at the front 

    • Keep hands feet and body to self 

    • Use walking feet on concrete

    • Play appropriate games

    • Use playground equipment as it’s intended 

    • Keep hands feet and body to self 

    • Use walking feet

    • Watch for semi circles in front of doors

    • Stay with your group

    • Use walking feet

    • Wash your hands with soap and water

    • Use walking feet

    • Push in chairs

    • Keep book marker to self and bookshelf only

    • Use walking feet 

    • Use your own device

    • Keep your login private

    • Keep water and food away