• 7th Grade Social Studies - Integrated Global Studies

    Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment - Present

    The content focus will be viewed through historical and geographical lenses. Seventh grade students will understand the relationships and interactions between societies and cultures in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Content will come from both a World history focus and a U.S. history focus.

    Content Delivery

    Canvas will be the main resource for content delivery and access. Quizzes, exams, homework, notes, readings, and any other resources that we use in the classroom will be made available for students to access on Canvas. All grades will also be posted on Canvas throughout the year. Canvas grades will be updated throughout the week as work is submitted and graded. Every Friday, the grades from Canvas will be synced to Powerschool as well.

    Curriculum Access

    好色导航has adopted a new textbook for the 7th grade social studies classes this year. Please note that students will have access to their textbook online only. They will access the book through their student portal on Clever.