

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Erin Carter

This will be my 10th full year of teaching middle school. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in K-8 Elementary Education. I have two endorsements in math and science. I started my career teaching 6th grade science. The last eight years I have taught math, some of those years have been 6th grade, but many of them have been 7th and 8th grade math. I am very excited about being at Diamond Canyon this year. I made the decision to leave my last school in order to move closer to home. While researching schools, Diamond Canyon stood out well above the rest. I already love the community and positivity DC brings and shares! This is going to be an amazing year and I am excited to see how much my students grow and learn! 

  • Favorites

    Food: Tacos...all tacos!!!
    Drink: Ice Tea or Monster Energy 
    Snack: Beef Jerky or Almonds
    Subject: Math...of course! 
    Color: BLUE
    Candy: Butterfingers
    Animal: Penguin
    Music: Country

  • Hobbies

    I love the outdoors! My family and I love to go camping, 4-wheeling, to the dunes, and exploring! I love to garden as well, but it is definitely a hobby and not always successful. :) I also love reading, crafting, and cooking! Being a mom is the best! I also get to do all the fun things like roller skating and trampoline parks! 

  • Family

    I have an amazing husband named James! We have been together for 17 years and married for 10 of those years. The best thing in the world is getting to spend every day with your best friend! We have two beautiful children together, Brooklyn and Jimmy. They will also be Coyotes this year! I have an elderly dog named Diamond who just turned 13. She is a beautiful red color and is a mix of pitbull and lab. My daughter and I also have two guinea pigs named Peanut and Chevy. And recently we added 10 chickens to our family. 
