• Positive

    • Maintain a Positive Attitude: Approach each day with a can-do spirit. Encourage and support your peers.
    • Avoid Complaints and Negativity: Focus on solutions rather than problems. Use constructive language.


    • Participate Actively: Be involved in all class activities, discussions, and group work. Share your ideas and listen to others.
    • Stay On-Task: Focus on the lesson and complete your assignments diligently. Minimize distractions.


    • Take Responsibility: Own your actions and behaviors. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it and learn from it.
    • Complete Assignments: Finish your work on time and to the best of your ability. Keep track of deadlines and responsibilities.
    • Be Honest: Always tell the truth and be trustworthy. Respect the property and rights of others.


    • Use Respectful Language: Speak kindly to everyone. Avoid hurtful or disrespectful words.
    • Include Others: Make sure no one feels left out. Work cooperatively and be a team player.
    • Show Empathy: Be considerate of others' feelings and perspectives. Offer help and support when needed.