• Materials Needed

    All Students

    Brass Musicians

    Woodwind Musicians

    Percussion Musicians

    • Instrument
    • Valve Oil 
    • Tuning Slide Grease
    • Slide ‘O’ Mix (trombones only)
    • Rotor Oil Valve (French horn only)
    • Instrument
    • Reeds – Juno or Vandoren brand preferred
    • Oboe reeds - must be Obonik or D’s Reeds -- store bought will not work!
    • Silk Instrument Swab
    • Mouthpiece Cap (Saxes/Clarinets)
    • Instrument (practice pad and bell kit)
    • Snare Sticks - Vic Firth SD1 General

    5th Grade

    6th Grade

    1. Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician (Book 1/Green book) for their instrument

    2. Pencil

    3. Music stand for home practice

    4. Teacher provided folder for music/book

    1. Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician (Book 1/Green book) (will start year reviewing book 1)

    2. Pencil

    3. Teacher provided folder for music/book


    Classroom Policies and Rehearsal Etiquette

    1. Classroom Flow

      1. Arrival to class

        1. Students should be “set” within the first 5 minutes of rehearsal.

          1. Instruments assembled and ready to be played

          2. Music and pencil on music stand

          3. Student in assigned seat, unless otherwise instructed by director. 

        2. Students not “set” within the 5 minute allotted time on a consistent basis risk lowering their score for 好色导航Outcome 17, tied to curriculum standard (MU.PR.6.PE.5a).

      2. During Class

        1. Students are asked to be attentive and actively participate in each rehearsal. 

        2. Rehearsals end at the directors' discretion

          1. The director will ensure student timeliness for their next class, setting aside 5 minutes at the end of each class for picking up. 

        3. When given individual/personal practice time, students should be focused on the task and use that time wisely

      3. Conclusion of class

        1. Students are responsible for packing up all materials. This includes instrument care and maintenance! 

        2. Some classes may need to put away chairs and stands!

      4. A list of DO NOTS -- sorry, but this is important for the safety of students and equipment!

        1. No running or horseplay is permitted at any time.

        2. No food, drinks, or gum in the band room (water is always allowed)

          1. Gum is never allowed! This is a safety hazard for the wind player and the sugars in the gum can ruin instruments. This is also a campus policy and will not be tolerated in the band room.

    2. Behavior

      1. The band program closely follows all 好色导航and Sunrise student rights and responsibilities, with most issues being handled in the classroom and with parent communication.

        1. Actions can include: verbal warnings, communication with classroom teacher, communication with parent/guardian, reflection sheets, or office referral.