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    Mr. Roa                                       Voice mail: 623-376-3162

    Biology        Room E212            Email: Anthony.roa@dvusd.org




    Course Description:

    This course is aligned with Arizona College and Career Ready Standards and/or national content standards and supports school-wide efforts to increase student achievement.


    Course Standards:

    By the time the student completes the course of study he or she will be able to:

    1. Develop and use models for the transfer or sharing of electrons to predict the formation of ions, molecules, and compounds in both natural and synthetic processes.
    2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate about the positive and negative ethical, social, economic, and political implications of human activity on the biodiversity of an ecosystem.
    3. Develop and use models that show how changes in the transfer of matter and energy within an ecosystem and interactions between species may affect organisms and their environment.
    4. Ask questions, plan, and carry out investigations to explore the cause and effect relationship between reaction rate factors.
    5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate data showing the relationship of photosynthesis and cellular respiration; flow of energy and cycling of matter.
    6. Construct an explanation of how the process of sexual reproduction contributes to genetic variation.
    7. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate evidence that describes how changes in frequency of inherited traits in a population can lead to biological diversity.
    8. Gather, evaluate, and communicate multiple lines of empirical evidence to explain the mechanisms of biological evolution.
    9. Engage in argument from evidence that the net change of energy in a system is always equal to the total energy exchanged between the system and the surroundings.
    10. Engage in argument from evidence that changes in environmental conditions or human interventions may change species diversity in an ecosystem.
    11. Ask questions and/or make predictions based on observations and evidence to demonstrate how cellular organization, structure, and function allow organisms to maintain homeostasis.
    12. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the causes and implications of DNA mutation.
    13. Construct an explanation for how cellular division (mitosis) is the process by which organisms grow and maintain complex, interconnected systems.
    14. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate the ethical, social, economic and/or political implications of the detection and treatment of abnormal cell function.
    15. Engage in argument from evidence regarding the ethical, social, economic, and/or political implications of a current genetic technology.
    16. Engage in argument from evidence regarding the ethical, social, economic, and/or political benefits and liabilities of energy usage and transfer.    
    17. Engage in argument from evidence about the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, changes in climate, and human activity and how they influence each other.
    18. Engage in argument from evidence regarding the ethical, social, economic, and/or political implications of a current genetic technology

    Classroom Expectations:

    In addition to strictly following the 好色导航"Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, the following expectations will occur in my classroom:

    1. Be There – It is important that you are in class regularly and on time.  Not only should you physically be in class but also mentally.  Students should take advantage of time with the instructor to pay attention and ask questions as needed.  Make sure you come prepared for class with supplies and assignments done such as notes, reading, pre-lab etc.  If you are not prepared for class you may not be able to participate in the activity that day which will impact your success in class.
    2. Choose your attitude – You have no control over the things that other people do.  You only have control over your reactions.  Make a conscious effort to have a positive attitude.  It is not always easy but if you are aware that only you can control your mood every day can be a great day.
    3. No food or drinks in the classroom – We might be using substances that may contaminate what you put in your mouth. This is for your own health and safety.
    4. Listen and participate- A lot of the learning for this class takes place when I am talking with you or you are collaborating in your groups! So, please be sure to truly and actively listen and when appropriate, participate.
    5. Don’t procrastinate- If you put your work off it will continue to build up and will one day become overwhelming. Save your time and do it on time.
    6. Get Additional Help (tutoring) ASAP: In addition to the Academic Prep times built into our schedule each week, additional assistance/tutoring is provided on a weekly basis both by MRHS and individually by me. My weekly availability will be posted in the classroom. I will demonstrate to the students how to find availability each week. I also encourage your son/daughter to write down my availability each week in their planner so that you too are aware of my weekly availability.


    Grade Book Weighting: (District Wide)


    • 80% Assessment – Include tests, quizzes, projects, labs or other items that show a summative understanding of the students’ knowledge.
    • 20% Coursework – Includes in class assignments that are graded on accuracy.  Students will have multiple practice opportunities or multiple attempts for these types of assignments.
    • 0% Practice – Includes daily activities used to help the students understand the content without penalty.


    Grading Scale

    90% – 100%  = A

    80% – 89%  = B

    70% – 79%  =  C

    60% – 69%  = D  

    59% or below = F


    Report Cards

    In an effort to conserve resources and harness the capacity of our electronic grade reporting program (PowerSchool) district schools will no longer print hard copies of report cards unless requested by individual parents. To request a hard copy of your student’s report card, please contact the front office at 623-376-3000.  To receive your PowerSchool login, please stop into the office with a valid photo ID.


    Power Schools On-line Access:

    Grades and attendance may be accessed 24 hours a day online with your Power School access code.  Access codes are available in the Counseling Office or Front Desk Monday – Friday 7:00 AM– 3:30 PM. You may check student progress regularly on the PowerSchool site using the same login for one or more students.  For Mountain Ridge parents/guardians without home computer access, a computer with guest log-in capability is available in the Counseling Conference Room.


    Academic Assistance/Office Hours:

    In addition to the Academic Prep times built into our schedule each week, additional assistance/tutoring is provided on a weekly basis both by MRHS and individually by instructors. These office hours will be posted in my classroom, and Canvas at the start of each week. I will demonstrate to the students how to find my availability each week.


    Policies and Procedures

    • 好色导航work assignments on paper are collected at the beginning of class. A majority of the assignments in this course will be submitted digitally via Canvas with the due date clearly posted. Assignments are not accepted via email, canvas message, remind or any other method, they must be submitted to Canvas for credit.
    • Communication is very important in this class and every other. The primary mode of communication for this class is Canvas Inbox and should be used when contacting your teacher. It is also a good idea to remember when your teacher is likely able to return your messages. Do not wait until the weekend to reach out with a question that you need answered promptly, as they may not see your message until Monday morning. Likewise, do not message late at night because you will not receive a response until the next day. Communicating efficiently and promptly with your instructor is a key component to your success in this class.
    • Students who are absent the day before a scheduled/announced assessment are expected to take the assessment as scheduled/announced the following day.
    • Use of supplemental resources is not allowed on any assessments.
    • If a student is absent on a scheduled/announced exam day, multiple retest options are announced and occur during AcaPrep or afterschool. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the teacher as to which day they will attend.  If a student commits to an appointment and does not come in, or notify in advance, he or she will lose the opportunity of making up that assessment.
    • On occasion, in order to re-enforce content mastery, PG and PG-13 science based video clips and science based instructional videos will be shown.



    After an absence, a student has one school day for each day missed to make up work/tests, regardless of the number of days absent. If many days were missed, please schedule an appointment with me to formulate a plan for the completion of make-up work. Make-up work for extended absences (over 3 days), may be requested through the Counseling Office and picked up there.


    Late Assignments Policy:

    In order for Late Work to be accepted, students must meet the following parameters:

    • Assignment is not due within the class period
    • Assignment is not a timed activity (such as a Quick-Write Essay)
    • Assignment is not a Long-Term assignment (over multiple weeks)
    • Assignment is turned in by the end of the instructional unit


    All assignments are given a due date, and a zero is filled in once the due date is passed.  Although assignments can be turned in after that date the point of these assignments is to expose students to content and help them obtain mastery of that content through timely practice so that they are successful on high stakes exams. Not completing assignments as assigned and submitting them late, hurts the student’s abilities to achieve mastery as they may go into assessments without feedback and practice. Having late work also causes students to have to play "catch up" which causes additional stress on the student.


    Classwork Policy:

    In-class assignments may be due by the end of the class period. You will receive time to complete in class.



    Test Retakes – Assessment Category Only

    • The student completes another assessment of the same learning targets.
    • The assessment will be a different format and will be at the same difficulty level.
    • The higher of the two scores will be entered in the gradebook.

    To earn a retake opportunity, a student must complete all of the following:

    • The student must initiate contact with the teacher within 5 school days of the assessment score being posted.
    • Submit all assignments for that unit of study, even if the assignment is in the practice category and not impacting their overall grade.
    • Sign up for a retake date during the retake window appointed by your teacher. There will be multiple dates available outside of school and during Aca Prep time. This retake window will be around the district summative exam and the retake will serve the additional purpose of preparing for the district exam.


    Plagiarism and Cheating:

    Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s work and reporting it as your own, or, the giving of your work to another student to use as their own. Both instances are considered cheating and will not be tolerated. Any assignments that are plagiarized, or copied will not be accepted and the student using the copied work as well as the original author of the work (if the cheating is “peer to peer”) will both receive a zero for the assignment and may both face additional consequences at the school level in accordance with the MRHS Student Handbook.  There are also strict “no talking” and “no technology access” during all assessments (tests, quizzes and final exam) unless you are given permission by your teacher. Any violation of these policies, regardless of the reasons/motives will result in the assessment being confiscated and a score of zero entered into the grade-book on the assessment. In addition, consequences at the school level may also occur in accordance with the MRHS Student handbook.


    AI Statement

    In the Deer Valley Unified School District, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education while ensuring their safety, privacy, and well-being. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance learning experiences, teachers may incorporate generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom for students.

    Students must adhere to the specific guidelines provided in the assignment details. If no guidance around the use of generative AI is provided, students should follow the “restrictive” level (see chart). Teachers should direct students to contact their teacher before submitting classwork if the student is unsure if the tool or website they are using is permitted on a specific assignment.

    Daily Device Use (Chromebooks)


    Students should come to school with their Chromebooks charged and ready to use in each class every day. Devices may not be used to record or take photos of other people without their consent.  Consequences for classroom disruptions and misuse of devices will follow a progressive discipline model, beginning with a phone call home and progressing to office referrals for repeated or more serious offenses. See the Student Rights and Responsibilities consequence chart in the handbook for more specific descriptions of infractions and consequences.


    MRHS Laboratory Breakage Policy

    The Mountain Ridge Science Department has a policy regarding the damage or breakage of laboratory equipment. In the event a student breaks any laboratory materials, that student will be responsible for paying the replacement cost of each item. A complete list of all laboratory materials and their costs are posted in each classroom.  The students are taught proper procedures and laboratory etiquette to ensure the safety of our students during lab activities. This policy helps hold the students accountable for their actions and reinforces careful laboratory procedures.


    Suggested Materials:

    • Lined paper in an organized binder for which notes can be written and kept for frequent reference. A way to organize and keep handouts
    • pen and pencil and a basic function calculator are essential materials to have access to.
    • If you have any issues obtaining these materials, contact me immediately.


    Please sign and date below to acknowledge that you have read, understood, and will abide by all policies described in this syllabus.


    Student Printed Name:                                                                 

    Student Signature:                                                                         Date:                    

    Parent/Guardian Printed Name:                                                   
    Parent/Guardian Signature:                                                           Date:                    


    The Deer Valley Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.  For any inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies contact the 好色导航District Office, 20402 N 15th Avenue, 好色导航, AZ 85027 (6285027 (623) 445-500


    This syllabus is subject to change. Any changes will be announced using the LMS system