• IB Government/Economics (MYP Year 5)

    This course uses the AZ State Standards and 好色导航Curriculum Guide but is designed as an honors-level class and uses IB-MYP Individuals and Societies Criterion for assessment. We will also use IB-History rubrics occasionally to best prepare students for their futures in the IB Diploma Program. 

    Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
    At the end of year 5, students should be able to:
    i. use a wide range of terminology in context
    ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts through developed descriptions, explanations and examples.

    Criterion B: Investigating
    At the end of year 5, students should be able to:
    i. formulate a clear and focused research question and justify its relevance
    ii. formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question
    iii. use research methods to collect and record appropriate, varied and relevant information
    iv. evaluate the process and results of the investigation.

    Criterion C: Communicating
    At the end of year 5, students should be able to:
    i. communicate information and ideas effectively using an appropriate style for the audience and purpose
    ii. structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format
    iii. document sources of information using a recognized convention.

    Criterion D: Thinking critically
    At the end of year 5, students should be able to:
    i. discuss concepts, issues, models, visual representation and theories
    ii. synthesize information to make valid, well-supported arguments
    iii. analyse and evaluate a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, examining value and limitations
    iv. interpret different perspectives and their implications.