ࡱ> wyv] bjbjZ!Z! k8K4\8K4\&&&&&::::$^:0RRRRRegggggg$ L&@&&RR7&R&ReeR yp^Q0!=!!&!> : Theatre 1-2 Puppet Rubric DurabilitySuperior (9-10 pts)Excellent (7-8 pts)Good (4-6 pts)Needs Improvement (0-3 pts)Puppet is of exceptional quality and holds together securely. All pieces are firmly attached. Puppet withstands active use. Puppet is of good quality and holds together well. All pieces are attached. Puppet may become less stable and secure with use.Puppet is of satisfactory quality. It generally holds together, though pieces may be lose or detach during use. Puppet still needs considerable work. Not all pieces are attached. Pieces may detach from the puppet without intent.Comments:  Face/HeadSuperior (9-10 pts)Excellent (7-8 pts)Good (4-6 pts)Needs Improvement (0-3 pts)Puppet head is distinctly and uniquely detailed. All relevant features for the puppet have been added, including but not limited to: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, etc. Creativity has been shown in adding exceptional and vivid features. Puppet head is distinctly detailed. Most or all relevant features for the puppet have been added, including but not limited to: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, etc. Creativity has been shown in adding features. Puppet has some detail. Most relevant features for the puppet have been added, including but not limited to: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, etc. Some creativity is expressed through the features. Puppet head lacks details. Some features for the puppet have been added, including but not limited to: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, etc. Comments:  Sewing ElementSuperior (9-10 pts)Excellent (7-8 pts)Good (4-6 pts)Needs Improvement (0-3 pts)Stitching is neat and even, with stitches approximately inch in length. Coordinating thread and material have been used. Fabric has been turned to hide stitches. Stitching is of outstanding neatness and quality. Stitching is mostly neat and even. Coordinating thread and material have been used. Fabric has been turned to hide stitches. Stitching is of good quality. Some of the required elements have been achieved, but stitching may be uneven or display a few gaps or puckers. Coordinating materials may or may not have been use. Fabric may not have been turned.May standards of this element have not been achieved. Stitching is greatly uneven and may also be messy. Gaps and puckers are abundant. Coordinating materials have not been used. Fabric may not have been turned.Comments:  Painting ElementSuperior(9-10 pts)Excellent (7-8 pts)Good (4-6 pts)Needs Improvement (0-3 pts)Painting is exceptionally neat and applied to enhance the overall look of the puppet. No underlying color shows through the paint.Painting is fairly neat and applied to enhance the overall look of the puppet. Few if any spots of underlying color show through.Painting is somewhat neat, though flaws may be apparent. There is significant bleed through from the underlying color.Painting is generally messy and appears rushed.Comments: CostumeSuperior (9-10 pts)Excellent (7-8 pts)Good (4-6 pts)Needs Improvement (0-3 pts)Costume is creatively utilized to enhance the character. Clothing displays details such as trim and other embellishments. Multiple accessories have been added, including but not limited to hats, ties, jewelry, shoes, etc. Costume is utilized to enhance the character. Clothing displays little detail, but one ore more accessories have been added, including but not limited to hats, ties, jewelry, shoes, etc. Costume is included but does little to enhance character. Clothing displays little to no detail. One accessory may have been added , but it may be of questionable construction. Costume is included but does not really reflect character. Clothing displays no detail. No accessories have been added. Comments:  PropsSuperior (9-10 pts)Excellent (7-8 pts)Good (4-6 pts)Needs Improvement (0-3 pts)Prop is exceptionally constructed. It can be glued to or handled easily by the puppet. The prop is large and detailed enough to be identified from the audiences point of view.Prop is well constructed. It can be glued to or handled easily by the puppet. The prop is identifiable at close range, but may be hard to discern from farther away. Prop is of average construction. The pr is only identifiable at close range.Prop has been constructed but it is hard to determine what the prop is intended to be.Comments:  CharacterizationSuperior (9-10 pts)Excellent (7-8 pts)Good (4-6pts)Needs Improvement (0-3 pts)Puppet is easily recognizable by a childrens audience. Express details have been added that link this character to the personality of the character in the script. Puppet is recognizable by a childrens audience. Some details have been added that link this character to the personality of the character in the script. Puppet is generally recognizable by a childrens audience. Few to no details have been added that link this character to the personality of the character in the script. Puppet may or may not be identifiable to a childrens audience. The puppet does not meet the requirements of the script.Comments: TOTAL POINTS = /70 ()2=GQV[`r|~} ~ g s t u v  m ûûóûèèèèèÝûûóûèèwhKPhw)CJaJhKPh7U<CJaJh7U<CJaJhl7CJaJhKPhl7CJaJhKPhvCJaJh8-CJaJh}*`CJaJhKPhl7CJaJhKPhl75>*CJaJhKPhv5>*CJaJh!thl7jh UmHnHu.)*>Ra}}ooood$Ifgdl7lkd$$Ifl7H8 t0644 laytw)d$Ifgdw)gdw) }~~ h YKKKKKd$Ifgdl7kd~$$Ifl\ )7 t0644 laytw)h i s t YH7$d$Ifa$gd7U<$d$Ifa$gdw)kd$$IflM\ )7 t0644 laytw)t u v d$Ifgdl7lkdz$$Ifl.7H8 t0644 laytw) d$Ifgdl7lkd$$Ifl7H8 t0644 laytw) YKK:$d$Ifa$gd7U<d$Ifgdw)kdv$$Ifl\ )7 t0644 laytw) Ed$Ifgdw)d$Ifgdl7d$Ifgdv DPQRTclw01ꫳɘzlahKPhGCJaJhKPhG5>*CJaJh7U<5>*CJaJhKPhKPCJaJhKPCJaJht CJaJhKPh7`CJaJh8-CJaJh}*`CJaJhKPhl75>*CJaJhKPht CJaJhKPhd\CJaJhKPhw)CJaJhKPhl7CJaJhKPhvCJaJ&EFPQRYHHH$d$Ifa$gdw)kd$$Iflx\ )7 t0644 layt7U<RSTc|d$Ifgdl7$a$gdw)lkdr$$Ifl7H8 t0644 laytw)cdxd$Ifgdl7jkd$$Ifl7R8 t0644 laytw)01[M?1?d$Ifgd7`d$Ifgdl7d$Ifgdd\kdj$$Ifl\ |)7" j t0644 layt7`1M<<<$d$Ifa$gdd\kd$$Ifl\ |)7" j t0644 layt7`d$Ifgdl7uud$IfgdGjkd$$Ifl7R8 t0644 laytw)$d$Ifa$gdd\ ,Hd$Ifgdt jkd,$$Ifl7R8 t0644 laytG!&+=GPQ",6;@EWaC 7R`a+:;AJU_insxڮڮڮڣhKPhGCJaJhKPhKPCJaJhKPhk CJaJhKPhG5>*CJaJh7U<CJaJhKPh7U<CJaJhKPhDpDCJaJh8-CJaJh}*`CJaJhKPhGCJaJ9HIQYKK=/d$IfgdDpDd$Ifgd7U<d$IfgdGkd$$Ifl\ )7 t06 44 laytt K:$d$Ifa$gdDpDkd2$$Ifl\ )7 t06 44 layt7U<d$Ifgd7U<|d$Ifgdt $a$gdGlkd$$Ifl.7H8 t06 44 laytt #7Fbd$Ifgdt lkd.$$Ifl7H8 t0644 laytt bcBCYKK=d$IfgdDpDd$Ifgdt kd$$Ifl\ )7 t0644 laytt +,d$IfgdKPd$IfgdDpD )d$IfgdDpD,-789YH::d$Ifgdt $d$Ifa$gdt kd* $$Ifl\ )7 t0644 layt7U<9:;A|d$Ifgdt $a$gdGlkd $$Ifl.7H8 t0644 laytt ABVjyd$Ifgdt lkd& $$Ifl7H8 t0644 laytt I>YK===d$IfgdDpDd$IfgdGkd $$Ifl\ )7 t0644 laytt HI=>(KLpɻꫳ꣛h "hG>*CJaJh ">*CJaJh "CJaJh7U<CJaJh8-CJaJh}*`CJaJhKPhG5>*CJaJhKPh!tCJaJhKPhCJaJhKPhDpDCJaJhKPhGCJaJhKPht CJaJ%YH::d$Ifgdt $d$Ifa$gdt kd" $$Ifl%\ )7 t0644 layt7U<|d$Ifgdt $a$gdGlkd $$Ifl.7H8 t0644 laytt  d$Ifgdt lkd $$Ifl7H8 t0644 laytt   KLYKK=K=d$IfgdDpDd$Ifgdt kd $$Ifl\ )7 t0644 laytt qr|}~K:$d$Ifa$gdt kd $$Ifl\ )7 t0644 layt7U<d$Ifgdt ~lkd $$Ifl.7H8 t0644 laytt 51h0:p7U<= /!"# $ % `!,6$R~\ lyTIBd*1.5xDVE7𙫆FzfSB@RAASVťAbyϗO̙39̥wq8ßB*o)޿O}<_|* -z>_s/L·..gx.] 8 {hJ-Ůo)wz[}j@h}Љ[$6TZP52֐JY]*i5Ub!TPA+A层PvIY- eR{޳’PR{Y\oFqH,;{_3\z^K^g?'}5C~u_[2?_tkdŏו~e~K廓|;][|AM屼v]ܧFyIQnCtMlwe&{E9OQXN?*ur,ϓ~Ehģ%1UP{HKvj yJRJKY*$(TLRRKCJ"(&/wܝnpo4(N{ym/wOy-),A,sh4ϣa<"ŋ H jͫR>T1̅9y9圝,3ϥ2:q*ɹ䴡7c,ɴ'g%'s䲹#$5/sϭ%#ɔCΰ%'/L+2oL+,᧲_ZvEwq\ ('3^4z3}Ϊ9|jRHߑbBJkZ)jҒRWIC"MZKIjw:\dN:C\ +]"tLU*StLM2] !Ofa|òXw.cL֧2Q_xet&ёӌ:Xs-}rVӎZWkSmmvֆ Ki UY'hyuեZPWin]͠5z^鎊>7Z_yKr%idKIA;%DahڶSVib6N>5Vɧt~X>2f` Kd#| H+ͺKk-o&-4J}%uԴR*I% 嬬RJ%dTGZnI`9,x&/4<,rg(ݰ~v4,@sjˇ_wC!EZJ:ii;VZYi55֑ ZO"ЦRT?Zh{ɡ$v j/yw^J(Iu$_GI+t)Z?2Sy, ,۲R[6*d}r()erZVYYa̅0MΠ32|ca$JC`%wO䨴V(zrPj~*{_FvHqԥl䖵Gϊfe5x5HH#3` L/%Abؾd G΋# I{)*-4w)u6g3$ڶA/9 Jj\nӼuuy;Ao4c7B>1^@ʻ [JU[Cq7ljpC9UF*nX u\ \u vkzkak W?v8W7LpdW3LuF媅yJX*\V*W> \ٰE=L8 $\ȕ Η ! pV!}@tLgҡ a 7! \=`T!V V a~hIpWj!UFhiBofuxfu\a5˭QŚ߬udau {G8bqNp޾ $s[ڲpV`U!քC[g.lmSXl ߶#Ա lw tO8{ZCq=R#9ˡ FAk9JCJ9 Ye:6 MCCB\]F! 3ž#v\+Anی{w3!~f=7~GZjh Za5"VW X=m 45ҌT߷֤^߱Ǻ*Y}:To(NsQOlJn]Wݠu-bUO]'u^YW!^F#}cmƳj*fϺ jR5յfkKkV_?hoY-3ʪd`6,,UX+Ym7a](g/<[KqDOZg=3?o}}7zپ+6QTn-ЛV-Uoءwl޵#pC4b,ݴvRuKk,].[!(n[dU VY-;cu5S̎[+a>?m:z296)hԆ fPj@E( @N 1n1Oqej8ζ 6i'R'I;blL # vZOm5F+\:-p>ƽ6±!ѷƶո"$&dzs%-U5p-?&ڞڳ²ԫ.:{$3.aֳ<^7c,;GBK8WA6M&hJ`tWNcq#+ҏ֗gUƈAb4[at t6#Q})ylV}ӻԶ>ٳ1<bu_q"M~=R՚ٯ#̇B~5Jb-6isE[?Ю):г qmOd_6٧>9ϴǰKj~U;7wӾ%?.͏ʒԦ̟i<{迷GXaO/Ξ lOv,elnvşhG%;m?mj5[u:{as`:|ox a()GʯcE[_Gnֲ3џ KYr3waz{immn=v#e`"]7 vKFPB5U BjeW *Bv!]rHq!Fv{w:D,? 5n luzŭѫn^s[7c{?sKbϹϺԐO쐏O'\]4@g>Qn #nvkaCD=x &\9B(P C = `q3$-[ 1]rvKι+rݐDr==p$üy|YKҟ4dG%?$y<33~D`CJj?~4V"xGJ/?X>2*}ճаЬ.:>ێ5/Mವ=?%4r<̟'Qpɨ+'HNI-]j̩0oC%.Ű '=ͻпx^Mz[# /g<[A'+^ a]Kl>DZϳճ8;CŰѾ93A.$d#R݈+ֿͱ!əjԗճȡg|i'F2_I#><[26ܑq䷺RyAŹ>3Ix!P4.N' A)P{cԖN9jCQkF6GԂ^Q܌rcJ )G_Qrj/AqN-us"+I(=U6sf$op|a9g>+#"S1]D_'gE29~#=6m67"%ܸOx,u+;]U=y=DokmZ!kO]$O묌\l\d~4m_j~?A)ZЊ~V .bƈZ 7览z#7<uGؿDlg|Rێxnό)@,wE|VY"jgS@,!}ehk/C~{emwthEg**F+GXiZjiƾh>LQG 6F-.||e/f}>|O]ďűcޣ/ʤ;+߈uĜ)ԅDz]:oI}D<¯!~ b.~:mvmj}?BkZ^ ȏݴ|;[kFf>4xڈkJWnK ƥߑZ)ξ':SnD#1VLj7dʯX#P+ YT&!:F3PM!5.W1>B_&wˡ*10ͅ;B'xǴĻ!8V%jskHj~&IG|مnC)\( 3r.IC$d$¶u9uCs^=);*5BfG!_hum%x?d~ ='E^+q܍7EKs\^IN{kNRMcq4%ĖaU]Ѵr5+ra-E(-ʘa3mu1XҖg9.O57;NP2h=݄wk%=ePjQG9KΨo4EM;ނ4dV쥔C~Ì "\lEH;.,JA:-; ٶ1/& IIN+;+w\eWeݔ5vWcVg12X{Xp^WΘsssss3sty˕huh-h=h#hS]L=O#4d8{+Kb4#OiQK%QhDZ"Z5mhK d<3D GȄߗ8~_/d.Q])U|kg \z66X̘ =¶w>Oָ[3i_.4nJӖ30۞0iO~xa!|cqBh|!Ix.)ݰD}: 5/Ņ=/1ъ& Cbům7̇ABAH[l. 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