I hope your child is excited about continuing their learning journey in 2nd grade.

    Our Classroom Community Mission and Year-Long Goal: We will continue to build upon prior knowledge, strengthen our academics, learn new things, and of course have fun! 

    Our Classroom Norms:

    • Come ready to learn
    • Be kind
    • Try your best
    • Be a good listener
    • Be respectful 

    SCHOOL THEME: Our school theme this year is Paseo Pride! This will be said a lot throughout the school year and what it means to have school pride or what it looks like, will be explained. Please start getting your child familiar with our theme! 


    8:30-8:45: Morning Arrival (or earlier if eating breakfast)

    8:45-9:20: Social Studies

    9:20-10:50: ELA

    10:50-11:05: Morning Recess

    11:05-11:40: Writing

    11:40-12:00- RTI Math

    12:00-12:45: LUNCH/RECESS *lunch will be the first 20 minutes

    12:45-1:00 Science

    1:00-1:30: RTI

    1:30-2:30: Math

    2:30-2:45: Science

    2:45-3:30: SPECIALS *students dismiss from here

    Specials Schedule:

    M- PE (wear appropriate shoes)

    T- Music

    W- Music

    Th- Art

    F- PE(Q1) 


    Suggested Classroom Supplies can be found on the 2nd grade homepage 




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