Welcome to Second Grade

  •  Welcome to Second grade
    Content Focus:

    Sight Words: We will need to know 200 sight words by the end of second grade.
    Math Concepts:
    Quarter 1: Counting 1 to 20
    Quarter 2 : 
    Quarter 3: 
    Quarter 4: 
    i ready Math
    We are a Boys Town school and use Boys Town to teach co-operation and social skills!
    We focus on teaching students to follow directions ( say okay and do it right away),
    Raise their hand for the teacher's attention, and develop listening skills (look at the teacher, voice off, hands to yourself).
    We teach students to SOAR - show self-control, on task, achievement, and respect. 

    We are excited about taking your children on their journey through reading, writing, spelling, math, science, and social studies.  You will see your sons and daughters grow so much in so many ways this year - academically and socially.  We are looking forward to a great year!