• math

    Welcome to Deer Valley High School

    Below is a graphic that shows the sequence of our courses over a four year period. Our classes are aligned with Arizona’s College and Career readiness standards, and will prepare our students for any high stakes test they may take (SAT, ACT, AIMS, PARCC).


    Deer Valley also offers an “honors” level for Algebra 1-2, Geometry, Algebra 3-4, and Pre Calculus.

    As students progress through their high school years, they will have the opportunity to take courses that will earn them college credit. These dual enrollment courses are: Mat 151 – College Algebra, Mat 206 – Statistics, Mat 187 – Pre Calculus, and Mat 221 Calculus.

    Pre-Calculus and Calculus are also offered for Advanced Placement (AP) credit.

    Department Staff:
Name Title Email Phone
Anderson, James Department Coordinator james.anderson@dvusd.org (602) 467-6792
Cunningham, Leah Math leah.cunningham@dvusd.or (602) 467-6836
Dobash, Nicole Math nicole.dobash@dvusd.org (602) 467-6794
Mengelkamp, Taradawn Math taradawn.mengelkamp@dvusd.org (602) 467-6833
Morgan, CJ Math christopher.morgan@dvusd.org (602) 467-6782
Morgan, Nicole Math nicole.morgan@dvusd.org (602) 467-6835
Pham, Cuong Math cuong.pham@dvusd.org (602) 467-6837
Smith, Mitchell Math mitchell.smith@dvusd.org (602) 467-6835
Sotello, Bridgette Math bridgette.sotelo@dvusd.org (602) 467-6787
Tyler, Patty Math patty.tyler@dvusd.org (602) 467-6796
Ulrich, Carolyn Math carolyn.ulrich@dvusd.org (602) 467-6832