•  Certified Performance Pay Committee
    Chairperson  Dr. Scott Smith
    Charge of the committee:

    The primary charge of the Performance Pay Committee is to develop and manage a plan for certified performance pay. "Develop" includes: Understanding of relevant State law regarding performance pay, soliciting and understanding Governing Board direction, constructing and documenting a plan that precisely articulates how performance pay is earned and calculated, and obtaining Board approval. "Manage" includes: Development and execution of a communication plan regarding performance pay, ensuring all data necessary to calculate pay is available to be collected, communicating results of performance pay calculations, appointing a sub-committee to hear appeals, and ensuring final payment to teachers.
    Duration:  Ongoing  


    Membership Needs / Requirements & Composition:

    Scott Smith
    Facilitator, DAOI
    Dr. Lynn Miller
    Administrator, HS
    Deb Roets
    Administrator, K-12
    Janet Gilbert
    Administrator, K-6
    Joan Wick
    Administrator, K-6
    Candice Mitton
    Teacher, HS
    Paul Strauss
    Teacher , K-8
    Melanie Begnoche
    Teacher, K-6
    Maria Leyva
    Teacher, K-12
    Madeline Loughlin
  •  Membership Recruitment:

    Members include a facilitator from Data Analysis, school administrators representing different school types (HS, K-8, and K-6), teachers representing different school types, and parents. Members serve indefinitely as determined by each member’s ability to continue on the committee. Members may be replaced if meeting attendance and participation are significantly low. In general, there are 5-8 weekly meetings early in the second semester of the school year. Additional meetings may be scheduled if needed.


    5-8 weekly meetings early in the second semester.