• Gifted Stakeholder Committee
    Chairperson Adam Laningham
    Dr. Gayle Galligan
    Charge of the committee:

    1. Develop a staffing model proposal for K-12 gifted education to submit to HR for the 2020-2021 school year and beyond.
    2. Review revised K-8 Gifted Handbooks (Title I SPARK and SAGE) to provide input from each Stakeholder perspective.
    Duration:  Fall 2019  


    Membership Needs / Requirements & Composition:

    NUM Name
    1. Val Wilson
    Gifted Specialist
    2. Deb Crim
    Administrator, HS
    3. Deb Crim
    Gifted Specialist
    4. Dawn Olson
    Gifted Specialist
    5. Angie Schultz
    Gifted Specialist
    6. Robyn Cruz
    Gifted Specialist
    7. Tara LeCount
    Principal / Parent
    8. Sharon Wieser
    Principal / Parent
    9. Jamie Wilbur
    10. Jamie Hood
    11. Mara Kurasch
    12. Matt Hreha
    13. Brad Brazell
    Assistant Principal
    14. Wendy Doucet
    Assistant Principal
    15. Beth Baker
    Parent - NC
    16. Amira Baker
    Parent - CS & GP
    17. Curtis Baker
    Parent - CS & GP
    18. Parent 4
    19. Parent 5
    20. Kim Williams
    Classroom Teacher
    21. Christine Rowlan
    Classroom Teacher/Parent
    22. Denny Fleury
    Classroom Teacher
    23. Megan Wibel
    Classroom Teacher/Parent
    24. Laura Fedderson
    Classroom Teacher
    25. Ali Murry
    Classroom Teacher
    26. Heather Sparks
    Classroom Teacher
    27. Sylvia Smith
    Classroom Teacher
    28. Miko Price
    29. Trevor Ettenborough
    Director of Human Resources
  • Membership Recruitment:
    If you are interested in participating on the 2019 Gifted Stakeholder Committee or have further questions, please contact the Committee Chair, .

    October 10, 2019  4pm - 6pm
    November 14, 2019 4pm - 6pm
    December 3, 2019 4pm - 6pm

    All meetings in the Governing Board Room