ࡱ>  bNbjbjcTcT 7>>bF99999MMMMi\M8> $HP݇9݇99....99...*DyMB}R08e}:j::9.݇݇.8: : COLLEGE PLANNING CALENDAR Throughout high school: Seek summer and out-of-school activities that enrich and educate. Create your own! These activities, along with volunteer service, will also help broaden your view of a variety of careers. Work on your Personal Statement (your goals and mission in life) throughout high school; you will need this when you start applying for colleges. FRESHMAN YEAR Remember all semester grades for the next 4 years contribute to your Grade Point Average (G.P.A.). Keep your grades up to avoid summer school or online make-up classes. Get involved in school activities, sports, and community service and leadership opportunities Develop a 4 Year Plan with your counselor and your parents. Remember that excelling in core courses increases your chances of scoring well on college entrance exams. Begin an electronic portfolio by completing the AZCIS Interest Profiler. This will help you focus on the classes you should take to honor your career and educational choices. Participate in school activities and events, sports, and summer programs that will enrich your experiences. Seek leadership and creative opportunities. Begin to use the Internet to research colleges and areas of interest. Develop a professional e-mail address. Maintain your MySpace, Facebook, etc. accounts as if college and scholarship decision- makers and future employers will see them and judge you by their contents! Use a folder to keep copies of your report cards, test scores, honors and awards, and a list of your activities. Start your Personal Information Sheet (see your counselor for a copy) and keep that in a folder labeled College information. Maintain a strong grade point average. Develop good study habits and a study group of friends who have the same goals for success. Beware of anything that costs you money, whether it is a way to pay for college or a recognition book. Develop a plan to pay for college with your parents. SOPHOMORE YEAR Review your new schedule with your counselor to make sure you are taking the right courses. Remember to plan for making up any F or Incomplete courses. Do an Interest Inventory - we have the AZCIS Career Interest Inventory available. Use the AZCIS Occupation Sort to review and update your career inventory. Explore careers that are related to the one(s) you have chosen and are related to your personal goals. Concentrate on courses that prepare you for your field of interest and maintain a strong grade point average. Consider taking a course to prepare you for the PSAT. Take the PSAT in October. Join activities that you enjoy and excel in. Make a strong commitment to one or two extracurricular activities and be sure to keep up your grades. Seek leadership opportunities in your extracurricular activities. Visit the Career Center. Make sure youre connecting with teachers and that teachers know you well Attend college fairs, and programs about college admissions. This is a time to gather general information and to get a feel for different types of colleges. Select courses for your Junior year. Consider level of difficulty of courses, Advance Placement and College Requirements. Continue to update your Personal Statement and Personal Information Sheet. Include thoughts about leadership skills, recommendations you may have received, lists of activities and accomplishments. Discuss with your counselor summer enrichment programs at the various colleges and/or other productive activities for your summer months Summer - Think about getting a job, doing volunteer work or attending summer school. JUNIOR YEAR September Review your schedule and GPA with your counselor at the beginning of the school year to keep yourself on track. Clubs and activities - take on a leadership position, or active role in the group. Begin your college search; make a list of all schools that may interest you. Start gathering more specific information about colleges through attending college fairs, visiting with college representatives. (Check in the Career Center to see which school representatives are coming and the dates). Send letters to colleges requesting view books, catalogs, applications, scholarship and program information, etc. (AZCIS, or the Petersons' Guide in the Career Center) Use AZCIS or the ACT/ SAT websites to create a portfolio on colleges that appeal to you,. Explore majors, so that you apply to the proper school! Not all colleges offer all majors, so it is important to use the College Board College Match, AZCIS Undergraduate School Sort. List things you may want to study in college. Read all college-related literature mailed to you. Beware of anything that costs you money! Register to take the PSAT. Check dates and locations of local college fairs. October Select courses for your senior year, looking at college requirements and honor classes. Attend college fairs. Talk with college representatives when they visit the school. Take the PSAT to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship. November Refine your list of schools; eliminate the ones that do not meet your criteria. Request catalogs for schools remaining on your list. Compare and contrast admission policies, academic programs and placement opportunities for each school. December Examine PSAT results to determine areas that need improvement. Discuss PSAT scores with your guidance counselor and your parents. Consider taking SAT prep courses to improve your scores. Explore career fields of interest and research what type of training is required. Try to talk to people in your fields of interest. Talk with adults who work in your areas of interest. Find out where they attended college and pick their brains! Ask your counselor what schools offer the best programs for your areas of interest. Maintain a strong grade point average in college- prep classes. January and February Continue narrowing the number of schools in your file. Talk to your counselor and gather information on the application process. Start researching scholarships and other financial aid sources. Attend the Financial Aid night with your parents in January. Continue to update your Personal Statement and Personal Information Sheet. March Start preparing for Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Register to take the SAT or ACT. (Taking them early will allow you time to retake them if you are not satisfied with your scores.) Explore early decision options with your counselor. April Take the SAT and/or ACT or register for May tests. Register for the NCAA Clearinghouse if you are an athlete ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ncaaclearinghouse.net" www.ncaaclearinghouse.net). Write a Scholarship Resume of classes and activities you have participated in. Include: Honors, AP classes, GPA, Class/Rank, Clubs/Organizations - Leadership positions, Sports, Performing Arts, Speech & Debate, Community activities, Volunteer work, Awards, etc (see your counselor for a copy). Take AP Tests in May. May Consult literature or admissions offices of the colleges you are considering to see if SAT II tests are required for admissions. Register for June SAT II tests if needed. Final opportunity to take required tests for those applying early decision. If you are considering military academies or ROTC scholarships, talk with your counselor before leaving school for the summer. June Make arrangements for campus tours. Review test results and determine if you should take them again in the fall. July Start visiting colleges or universities that interest you. Consider a summer job or volunteer experience in your area of interest. Study for the SAT or ACT. Consider taking a test preparation course, online tutorial, or self-help books. Review common or universal application; complete short answers (www.commonapp.org). Draft application essays. Ask your parents or English teacher to review your essays and make comments for revision. Finalize your list of 6-10 favorite colleges or universities. Send for or download applications from target schools. Record test registration deadlines and dates. August Determine how you will meet costs at selected schools, i.e. through parent, on your own, school, or other resources. Note all admission deadlines. Continue to visit schools that interest you. Arrange for interviews while on campus or with assigned alumnus at home. Start filling out admission applications. Brainstorm college essay topics. Write a rough draft of the College Application Essay (may be needed for out of state universities). Continue working on your Scholarship Resume. SENIOR YEAR All Year Keep taking classes that challenge you. Most colleges require 4 years of English, at least 3 years of social studies (history, civics, geography, economics, etc.), 3 years of mathematics, and 3 years of science, and many require 2 years of a foreign language. Round out your course load with classes in computer science and the arts. Update your Scholarship Resume. Work hard all year; second-semester grades can affect scholarship eligibility. Stay involved and seek leadership roles in your activities. September Carry a heavy academic course load if applying to out of state or competitive colleges Meet with your school counselor: are you on track to graduate and fulfill college admission requirements? Update your Scholarship Resume. Update your Personal Statement. If you haven't done so already, register for and take exams such as the SAT I, SAT II: Subject Test, or ACT for college admission. Check with the colleges you are interested in to see what tests they require. Remember: Register for all tests in advance and be sure to give yourself time to prepare appropriately. If you have difficulty paying a registration fee, see your school counselor about getting a fee waiver. If you have not had your test scores sent to the college to which you are applying, be sure to contact the College Board or ACT to have your scores sent. Review your decision on where you will apply Narrow your list of colleges to 5 to 10. Meet with a counselor about them and, if you've not yet done so, download college applications and financial aid forms. Plan to visit as many of these colleges as possible. Create a master list or calendar that includes: tests you'll take and their fees, dates, and registration deadlines. college application due dates. financial aid application forms required and their deadlines. (Note: Aid applications may be due before college applications). other materials you'll need (recommendations, transcripts, etc.). Take advantage of college visitation schedules in the ɫ area and visits by college admission representatives on our high school campus in the Career Center. Apply to In-State Universities Stay focused on academic excellence - colleges do take note of your academic commitment in the senior year. Check the scholarship postings in the Guidance office and Career Center on a weekly basis for scholarship opportunities you may qualify for. Also, Listen to the Daily Announcements - as scholarship/college information is read daily. October/ November Review for college admissions tests (ACT and SAT provide free review materials) Talk with college reps that visit BCHS campus in the Career Center Try to finalize your college choices. Apply to the colleges you have chosen. Prepare your application carefully. Follow the instructions Note college application deadlines - preferably apply to in-state universities by November 1. Request scholarship/financial aid applications from your specific colleges and file by the specific deadlines. Check for scholarships in Counseling Office regularly If you have not had your test scores sent to the college to which you are applying, be sure to contact the College Board or ACT to have them sent. Make sure you send ACT/SAT scores to the college of your choice. Ask for counselor or teacher recommendations if you need them. Give each teacher or counselor an outline of your academic record and your extracurricular activities. For each recommendation, provide a stamped, addressed envelope, and any college forms required. Always ask for Letters of Recommendations four weeks in advance of their due date. (This is where your Scholarship Resume comes in handy) If you are an athlete, or think you might participate in sports in college, you must complete the NCAA Clearinghouse registration. Photo copy your application materials and use the photocopy as a worksheet. If you're submitting essays, write first drafts and ask teachers and others to read them. If you're applying for Early Decision, finish the essays for that application now (an essay may be required for out of state universities). Finalize your college essays - quality time must be spent on your essays. MAIL Admissions & Housing Applications so to meet universities - November 1st deadline! Well before your application deadlines; ask your counselor and teachers to submit required documents (e.g., transcript, letters of recommendation) to the colleges to which you're applying. Complete a Transcript request form for each school you are applying to, and turn in to Registrars office. To prepare to apply for federal student aid, be sure to get a PIN at www.pin.ed.gov so that you can complete your application and access your information online. One of your parents must also get a PIN. Meet deadlines! December Finalize out-of-state applications As you finish and send your applications and essays, be sure to keep copies. If your college wants to see seventh-semester grades, be sure you give the form to your counselor. Take appropriate tests (SAT, SAT Subject, or ACT) If you have not done so yet, apply for yours and your parents PIN Number for FAFSA Maintain good grades Meet deadlines! January Attend the Financial Aid night with your parents in January. Encourage your parent(s) to complete income tax forms early. If your parent(s) have not completed the tax forms, you can provide estimated information on your federal student aid application, but remember to make any necessary changes later. Parents should check their eligibility for the Hope Credit, Lifetime Learning Credit or other tax benefits. As soon after January 1 as possible, complete and submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), along with any other financial aid applications your school(s) of choice may require. You can complete the FAFSA online at www.fafsa.ed.gov or on paper, but completing the application online is faster and easier. You should submit your FAFSA by the earliest financial aid deadline of the schools to which you are applying, usually by February 15th. If you have questions about the federal student aid programs or need assistance with the application process, call1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) or TIY for the hearing-impaired, 1-800-730-8913. After you submit the FAFSA, you should receive your Student Aid Report (SAR) within one to four weeks. Quickly make any necessary corrections and submit them to the FAFSA processor. If the schools you are applying to require it, complete the CSS Profile. Many private colleges and universities use this information to help them award nonfederal student aid funds. If you apply to colleges online, be sure to have your high school send a transcript; it goes to colleges separately, Use docufide www.docufide.com. Complete scholarship applications. Apply for as many as you can-you may be eligible for more than you think. Pay attention to various state and local scholarship opportunities. Many have deadlines between January and April. February No senioritis, please! Accepting colleges do look at second-semester senior grades. Keep visiting the Career Center or Counseling Office for scholarship updates March Continue to explore scholarship opportunities. Review your Federal Student Aid Report for accuracy when it is received in the mail. Keep active in school. If you are on a wait list, the college will want to know what you have accomplished between the time you applied and learned of its decision. Visit colleges that have invited you to enroll. April You should receive acceptance letters and financial aid offers by mid-April. Review your college acceptances and compare financial aid packages. If you've not done so yet, visit your final college before accepting. When you decide which school you want to attend, notify that school of your commitment and return appropriate paperwork and submit any required financial deposit. Many schools require this notification and deposit by May 1. Notify schools you will not attend of your decision. Notify your counselor of your choice If you have questions about housing offers, talk to your counselor or call the college. Notify the scholarship coordinator of any scholarships, financial aid, and awards / recognition received, so you can be recognized at the senior awards ceremony! May May 1: Colleges cannot require a deposit or commitment to attend before May 1. By that postmarked date, you must inform every college of your acceptance or rejection of the offer of admission and/or financial aid. (any questions? Talk to your counselor). Send your deposit to one college only. Are you on a college wait list? If you will enroll if accepted, tell the admissions director your intent and ask how to strengthen your application. Need financial aid? Ask whether funds will be available if you're accepted. Work with a counselor to resolve any admissions or financial aid problems. Take Advanced Placement tests and final exams. Attend the Senior Awards/Recognition Ceremony Thank your parents, teachers, school personnel, employers, friends and family members who have helped you complete your entire educational journey!! Use docufide to send final transcript to your college, www.docufide.com. Responsibly enjoy Graduation, you have earned it! June Youre set! Enjoy your summer Best of luck as you start college in the fall. 23  2 3 I ubRH5$h >h,(0JCJOJQJ^JaJh6>OJPJQJh >0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h4&0J5CJOJQJ\^JaJ'h4&h4&0JCJOJQJ\^JaJ*h6>h 0J5CJOJQJ\^JaJ$hC0J5CJOJQJ\^JaJh6>h B*OJQJph$h6>h 0JCJOJQJ^JaJ0hVh 0J5B*CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$ph#h >h >5CJ$OJQJRHlaJ$3 = D  tV & Fgd8 & Fgd, & Fgd,(gd6>gd,( & Fgd gd $a$gdV : < = C D  01οo[Kh >0JCJOJQJ^JaJ'h8h,0J5CJOJQJ^JaJh80JCJOJQJ^JaJh6>h,B*OJQJph$h6>h,0JCJOJQJ^JaJh6>h,(CJOJQJaJh6>h40LCJOJQJaJh6>h,CJOJQJaJ%h >h40LB*CJOJQJaJphh >h 5CJOJQJaJh >h CJOJQJaJ1Qdj  stUVĵq^NCh8h8OJQJh80JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h6>h]`0JCJOJQJ^JaJh >h40LCJOJQJaJh >h,CJOJQJaJ$h >h 0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h >h,(0JCJOJQJ^JaJh6>h,(0JOJQJ^Jh6>h,B*OJQJph$h6>h,0JCJOJQJ^JaJh >0JCJOJQJ^JaJhV0JOJQJXY SlmʷxiZKh \oCJOJQJaJh6>h,CJOJQJaJh6>h,(B*OJQJphh6>h40LOJQJh6>h,OJQJh6>hCJOJQJaJh6>hB*OJQJphh6>hOJQJ$h6>h0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h6>h]`0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h6>h80JCJOJQJ^JaJh8h8B*OJQJphYG Tm2) & FgdPcgd7fgd7fgd7fgd7 & Fgd8 & Fgd & Fgd]` & Fgd & Fgd & Fgd8m1(ȵ|iVC<,h xh x5CJOJQJaJ h h $h >h40L0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h >h 0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h >h 0JCJOJQJ^JaJh,CJaJh6>hCJOJQJaJh6>hB*OJQJph$h6>h0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h6>h,0JCJOJQJ^JaJ'h7fh,0J5CJOJQJ^JaJ'h7fh7f0J5CJOJQJ^JaJh7f0JCJOJQJ^JaJ ():29Z[ftĵЦtteOte@eh h xCJOJQJaJ*h h]`0J5CJOJQJ\^JaJh h,CJOJQJaJh h]`B*OJQJph$h h7f0JCJOJQJ^JaJh7f0JCJOJQJ^JaJh7fh,CJOJQJaJh h7fCJOJQJaJh]`CJOJQJaJh h]`CJOJQJaJ$h h]`0JCJOJQJ^JaJh x5CJOJQJaJ:[w #a4 & FgdPc & FgdPcgd, & FgdPc & Fgd, & Fgd]` & Fgd7f & Fgd]`  an[\ ³ᔳᤳsdsdUh)h]`CJOJQJaJhPch]`CJOJQJaJ hPch]`0JCJOJQJaJhPch,5CJOJQJaJhPchPc5CJOJQJaJhPch xCJOJQJaJhPch,CJOJQJaJh8h]`5CJOJQJaJh8h]`CJOJQJaJhPch,5CJOJQJaJh(iyh,CJOJQJaJ,f\@ S T U V W ^ !K!L!S! & Fgd6> & FgdPc & FgdPcgd,  R S T V W ^ L!S!!!!!! 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