ࡱ> ?A>i xbjbj.. 4*DbDbx\\\\\ppppTp0 OQQQQQQ$Xu\u\\___\\O_O___,"H%_;0_;$_\__uu_B ":  Mr. Flints Lesson Plans 7th Grade Social Studies Week of April 4-8  HYPERLINK "mailto:Kevin.flint@dvusd.org" Kevin.flint@dvusd.org 602-467-6563 DateObjectiveActivities/ ɫworkAssessment 4/4/22To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our Global WWI unit.Students will create ta WWI review foldable to help with their assessment.What were some of the obstacles you may have faced in working on WWI project today? 4/5/22 To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our Global WWI unit.. Testing for writing- AASA. Students win per 4,5,&6 will complete their WWI review foldable.What were some of the obstacles you may have faced in working on WWI project today? 4/6/22 To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our Global WWI unit.Students will complete their WWI review foldable. Share out what new information learned from close reading and complete close read # 2 quiz questions. 4/7/22 To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our Global WWI unit.Students will have a WWI workday to develop, create, and to build their projects.Notebook Entries- What did soldier wear, eat. When did most fighting take place? Whats barbed wire for? 4/8/22 To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our Great Depression Unit.Students will be introduced to the roaring 20s and read on how things were prior to the depression.Discussion on what should/ can be done on project over weekend. Please Note- Weekly lesson plans are subject to change. 23;DESqrǼ{pe^RFRhak;hCp>5CJaJhak;hE5CJaJ hak;hEhak;hECJ aJ hak;h CJ aJ h\h 0JCJ aJ h CJ aJ jh CJ UaJ h8=SCJ aJ hwg,CJ aJ hECJ aJ h3VCJ aJ hak;hak;CJ aJ hak;hCp>CJ$aJ$hak;hak;CJ$H*aJ$hak;hak;CJ$aJ$hak;hECJ$aJ$hz\CJ$aJ$hE3Emjkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytak;d$Ifgd8=S$d$Ifa$gdak;$a$gd] [JJ9$d$Ifa$gdpA$d$Ifa$gdak;kdz$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;U V  Z [ \ ] ^        s t û֡֙掻xmexm]hwg,CJaJh]KCJaJhak;h[ZCJaJhak;hECJaJhIhgCJaJhak;hwg,CJaJhVCJaJh8=SCJaJ hak;hVhak;hNCJaJhc6CJaJh{CJaJhak;h CJaJhr;CJaJhCJaJh3VCJaJhak;hVCJaJ hak;h"$V 4kd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;d$Ifgdc6d$Ifgdr;d$IfgdU2   \ ^  $d$Ifa$gd//$d$Ifa$gd`$d$Ifa$gd Q$d$Ifa$gdak;        [JJJJJ$d$Ifa$gdak;kd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 layt%W1 t d$IfgdpAd$IfgdTK$d$Ifa$gdwg,d$Ifgd Q       Q r s . / 0 1 4 7 9 h =>?wxȥ|q|fb[ hIhEhEhak;hl_CJaJhak;hCJaJhak;h/oaCJaJhyh/oaCJaJhak;h[ZCJaJh8=SCJaJhwg,CJaJhak;hwg,CJaJh]KCJaJh3VCJaJhak;hECJaJ hak;h"hak;hZ~CJaJhc6CJaJhr;CJaJhak;hgCJaJ#       [JJ9JJ$d$Ifa$gdwg,$d$Ifa$gdak;kda$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 layt" s / 0 .kd $$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;d$Ifgd8=Sd$Ifgdr;$d$Ifa$gd k20 1 8 9 >d$Ifgdwg,d$Ifgd3V$d$Ifa$gd`$d$Ifa$gdak;>?@x[VVgdIkd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;21h:pE/ =!"#$% x$$If!vh#vh%:V l t065h%ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 yt%W1$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t06,55N 5 5 yt"$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak; s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J (Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List tt I Table Grid7:V0 d6U`6 0 Hyperlink >*B*phcPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< x* x     0 >x qxXL# @0(  B S  ?_GoBack9z9zzz3;DEUV[\ st rs.00179=wzq`(a]CZ~.'  }fHx+X lI&wg,//%W1U2 k2c6/;ak;Cp>X?u?EdiLQ6Q8=S^XTZ[Zl^/oa el.er@sv\w?]x?{v}u5`]Kb\Iyq:pAz\!cT]^(r;>Y{RTK^:x |g[`""V:t@KIgD^]Fz Ts'4m^3V QDl_J8Q uPO_Nxz@ x@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x Arial7..{$ CalibriA$BCambria Math"h)G)GCL  q20uu;HP  $PI2!xxķ)  Eric Axelrod Kevin Flint Oh+'0x  ( 4 @ LX`hpEric Axelrod Normal.dotm Kevin Flint2Microsoft Office Word@F#@iQQ@H@H ՜.+,D՜.+,8 hp  Deer Valley USD u  Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSAtsmailto:Kevin.flint@dvusd.org  !"#$%&'()*+,-/012345789:;<=@Root Entry F"HBData 1TableWordDocument4*SummaryInformation(.DocumentSummaryInformation86CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q