ࡱ> @B?i bjbj.. 4,DbDb\\\\\pppp$Tp0 suuuuuu$$X\\\[[[\\s[s[[[@ϔP f- [_0[27$2[2\[[[2B ":  Mr. Flints Lesson Plans 7th Grade Social Studies Week of May 9-13  HYPERLINK "mailto:Kevin.flint@dvusd.org" Kevin.flint@dvusd.org 602-467-6563 DateObjectiveActivities/ ɫworkAssessment 5/9/22To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our World War Two Unit.Students will complete WWII notes, sequence events of Germanys path to war.Why did so many people follow what Hitler said in his book? 5/10/22 To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our World War Two Unit. Students will read article on invasion of Poland and answer critical thin king questions that follow.What Treat of Versailles violations did Hitler commit before the war started? 5/11/22 To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our World War Two Unit.Students will read on how the United States enters the war in the Pacific, enter key terms, and observe new weapons used in island hopping. Exit Ticket- Name two promises broken by Hitler before the war. 5/12/22 To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our World War Two Unit.Students will identify and summarize how the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and what the U.S response was.How did the development of atomic weapons move faster after Pearl Harbor? 5/13/22 To apply historical practices and reasoning skills as it pertains to our World War Two Unit.Students will write their summary of how treatment of several different groups were persecuted by Hitler and the German militaryExit Ticket- Why do you think there were so many people who found strength to keep moving on during this time? Please Note- Weekly lesson plans are subject to change. 23;CDRpqǼ{pe^RFRhak;hCp>5CJaJhak;hE5CJaJ hak;hEhak;hECJ aJ hak;h CJ aJ h\h 0JCJ aJ h CJ aJ jh CJ UaJ h8=SCJ aJ hwg,CJ aJ hECJ aJ hq~CJ aJ hak;hak;CJ aJ hak;hCp>CJ$aJ$hak;hak;CJ$H*aJ$hak;hak;CJ$aJ$hak;hECJ$aJ$hz\CJ$aJ$hE3Dmjkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytak;d$Ifgd8=S$d$Ifa$gdak;$a$gd] [JJ9$d$Ifa$gdpA$d$Ifa$gdak;kdz$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;W X Z K L M }       j k 渱桖拱umuehtCJaJh]KCJaJhak;h[ZCJaJhak;hECJaJhIhgCJaJhak;hwg,CJaJhuCJaJhVCJaJ hak;hVhak;hNCJaJhAjCJaJhak;h CJaJh5CJaJhCJaJhq~CJaJhak;hVCJaJ hak;h"&X 4kd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;d$Ifgdq~d$Ifgdr;d$IfgdU2 L M  $d$Ifa$gd//$d$Ifa$gd`$d$Ifa$gd Q$d$Ifa$gdak;      [JJJJJ$d$Ifa$gdak;kd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 layt%W1 k 9 d$Ifgdud$IfgdTK$d$Ifa$gdwg,$d$Ifa$gdud$Ifgd Q 8 9 : < @ C D F  U V W X \ _ a >?Ȫ|Їqi|^ZhEhak;hl_CJaJh5CJaJhak;hCJaJhak;h/oaCJaJhAjCJaJhyh/oaCJaJh'{iCJaJhtCJaJhak;h[ZCJaJhak;hwg,CJaJh]KCJaJhq~CJaJhak;hECJaJ hak;h"hak;hZ~CJaJhuCJaJhak;hgCJaJ!9 : ; < D E F [JJ9JJ$d$Ifa$gdwg,$d$Ifa$gdak;kda$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 layt"F V W <kd $$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;d$Ifgdu$d$Ifa$gd k2W X ` a ?d$Ifgdwg,d$Ifgdt$d$Ifa$gd`$d$Ifa$gdak;[VVgdIkd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak; hIhE21h:pE/ =!"#$% x$$If!vh#vh%:V l t065h%ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 yt%W1$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t06,55N 5 5 yt"$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak; s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J (Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List tt I Table Grid7:V0 d6U`6 0 Hyperlink >*B*phcPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< ,     9 F W  pXL# @0(  B S  ?_GoBackaaNT;CDWXKL jk8<CF  UWWX_a>?{j(a]CZ~.'  }fHx+X tlIa &&wg,//%W1U2 k25c6/;ak;Cp>X?u?EcJdiLQ6Q8=S^XTZ[Zl^/oa e'{iAjl.er@sv\w?]x?{v}q~}~u5`]Kb\Iyq:pAz\!cT]^(r;hN>Y{RTK^x |g[`""V:t@KIgD^u]Fz Ts'4m^3V QDl_J8Q uPO_N@UUUU@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x Arial7..{$ CalibriA$BCambria Math"haaCL  r0;HP  $PI2!xxV(i  Eric Axelrod Kevin Flint Oh+'0x  ( 4 @ LX`hpEric Axelrod Normal.dotm Kevin Flint2Microsoft Office Word@@iQQ@L3 f@L3 f ՜.+,D՜.+,8 hp  Deer Valley USD   Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSAtsmailto:Kevin.flint@dvusd.org  !"#$%&'()*+,-.012345689:;<=>ARoot Entry FPP fCData 1Table2WordDocument4,SummaryInformation(/DocumentSummaryInformation87CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q