ࡱ> @B?g LbjbjJJ 4*(ub(ubL\\\\\ppppTp0 OQQQQQQ$Xu\u\\___\\O_O___PLs@%_;0_ ;$ _ \__uu_ B ":  Mr. Flints Lesson Plans 7th Grade Social Studies Week of September 20-24 Period 1,3,4,6  HYPERLINK "mailto:Kevin.flint@dvusd.org" Kevin.flint@dvusd.org 602-467-6563 DateObjectiveActivities/ ɫworkAssessment 9/20/21To describe what revolutions are, how they get started and what people want as a result of them.Students will read Early American Revolution text, enter key vocabulary, watch clip and answer discussion question.Share out discussion question responses. 9/21/21 To better understand the historical thinking practices and to evaluate historical events in early Colonial America.Students will complete early Colonial America worksheetWORKSHEET & Table Discussion. 9/22/21 To better understand the historical thinking practices and to evaluate historical events in early colonial America.Students will analyze pictures from slide show, complete a mapping activity & analyze the pictures of lifestyles of early colonies.Quiz- Early American Colonies. 9/23/21To better understand the historical thinking practices and to evaluate historical events in early colonial America.Students will begin French and Indian War reading and critical thinking questions.Completion of Critical Thinking Questions from reading 9/24/21 Early Release To better understand the historical thinking practices and to evaluate historical events in early colonial America.Students will be introduced to the Acts & Taxes that caused so much tension/conflict between the colonists and the Crown.Enter key ideas from reading. Please Note- Weekly lesson plans are subject to change. 23;JKZ[\ǼxmfZNZG hak;h"hak;hCp>5CJaJhak;hE5CJaJ hak;hEhak;hECJ aJ hak;h CJ aJ h\h 0JCJ aJ h CJ aJ jh CJ UaJ hECJ aJ h[<CJ aJ h CJ aJ hak;hak;CJ aJ hak;hCp>CJ$aJ$hak;hak;CJ$H*aJ$hak;hak;CJ$aJ$hak;hECJ$aJ$hz\CJ$aJ$hE3KZ[{jkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytak;$d$Ifa$gdak;$a$gd][JJ9$d$Ifa$gdR?a$d$Ifa$gdak;kdz$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;G H h i ? @ a ݟ~woݟhnrCJaJ hak;h"hak;h67CJaJhak;hg;{CJaJhak;h[ZCJaJhak;hECJaJhIhBWCJaJhak;hBWCJaJ hak;hVhak;hpCJaJhak;hNCJaJhpCJaJhP>CJaJh CJaJhak;hVCJaJ)H B1$d$Ifa$gdak;kd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;d$Ifgd d$Ifgdz i d$Ifgd*b$d$Ifa$gd d$Ifgd$d$Ifa$gdak; [JJJJJ$d$Ifa$gdak;kd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 layt%W1 @ .kda$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 layt"d$Ifgds'$d$Ifa$gdZ\d$IfgdN0 b d$Ifgd*bd$IfgdZ\$d$Ifa$gd6pA$d$Ifa$gdak;a b    y z KLА hIhEhEhak;h!bCJaJhak;hg;{CJaJhak;h CJaJhECJaJhpCJaJhak;hECJaJ hak;h"hak;h=cCJaJhyhg;{CJaJh CJaJhak;hICJaJ   [JJJJJ$d$Ifa$gdak;kd $$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak; z .kd$$Ifl\8$N   t0644 laytak;$d$Ifa$gd d$Ifgd_d$Ifgd LgdI21h:pE/ =!"#$% x$$If!vh#vh%:V l t065h%ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 yt%W1$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t06,55N 5 5 yt"$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak;$$If!vh#v#vN #v #v :V l t0655N 5 5 ytak; s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J (Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List tt I Table Grid7:V0 d6U`6 0 Hyperlink >*B*phcPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< L*a L   L [LXL# @0(  B S  ?_GoBackNNRYNKZN;Z[GHhi?@abyzKN(*]CQZ~' 67}fHxN;lILYBW#6dCs!V["h"E$%s'+,++1%W1 k2'56(M8ak;P>Cp>u?C@ch@6pAt5CEHJdiLQ[W^XTZ[Z0\L]l^aR?a*b%3c=c]vc elfxgfQh"ivjfk`m+n:oEkogq@sv\wtyg;{|v}}/~"9~u5`p'aq,b-M\!fhW  wBIyT1pAz\!](6wYyR ^@YjvxNC |`Lg[]Ac`_VI!b:8nrI *+e]FgN0[< { I2Ts'3*w4 Q{<zp~Q uDZ\POxNLN@ YYYY@{L@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x Arial7..{$ CalibriA$BCambria Math"hx'x'CL\ \ !r0II;HP  $PI2!xxNr5  Eric Axelrod Kevin Flint Oh+'0x  ( 4 @ LX`hpEric Axelrod Normal.dotm Kevin Flint2Microsoft Office Word@@iQQ@mc@@mc@\ ՜.+,D՜.+,8 hp  Deer Valley USD I  Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSAtsmailto:Kevin.flint@dvusd.org  !"#$%&'()*+,-.012345689:;<=>ARoot Entry F0Ts@CData 1Table WordDocument4*SummaryInformation(/DocumentSummaryInformation87CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q