Campus Security
    To ensure the security of our students and staff, ALL VISITORS must sign in at the office before visiting on campus.

    Classroom Visits
    If you would like to visit with your child's classroom during the school day, you need to visit the office first and fill out a permission for observation form before hand. Approval from the principal is required.

    You may register your children during the following times: 8:00 to 10:00 and 2:00 to 4:00
    For student registration, you will need to provide an original birth certificate, proof of residence, current immunization records, and custody papers (if they apply).
    Children enterintg Kindergarten must be 5 years old before September 1st of that school year.

    Attendance Policy
    It is crucial for children to be on time to school and to attend daily. Whenever your child does not attend school, please call the Attendance Line at (623) 445-4190 by 9:00 A.M. State the name of the absent student, who is making the call, the reason for the absence. Be specific about the reason of the absence, such as sore throat, asthma, fever, doctor/dentist appointment, personal, etc. 好色导航work can be requested after the third day of absence. ABSENCES MUST BE VERIFIED. Every effort will be made to determine why your child is asbent. Please help us to keep your children safe by reporting your child's absence promptly.

    Children who are tardy must stop by the Office to pick up a tardy pass and sign in before entering their classroom. They must state the reason for being late. Being on time is very important for your child's learning as well as all the other children in the classroom. Only verified doctor's excuses will be considered as excused tardies.

    Unexcused absences may result in legal actions. (Arizona Revised Status 15-803).

    Emergency Cards
    For the safety of your child, it is necessary that ALL information requested on the emergency card (two sides) be completed in full as it applies to your child. All information is confidential and protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. When completing the card, all phone numbers must include the area code. Should any information change during the course of the year, updates must be made immediately by contacting the school.

    Early Release
    If it is necessary to pick up your child during school hours, you need to report to the school office to sign him/her out, and the office will then call your child to the office. For your child's protection:
    1. Your child will not be released to anyone except his/her parents or a responsible party you have indicated on the Pink Emergency Card.
    2. Picture Identification will be requested.
    3. A note or telephone call is NOT sufficient to have your child released from school.

    Report Cards/Conference:
    Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring (1st and 3rd grading periods). You may ask for additional conferences anytime during the school year. In addition, if you ever have a question, your child's teacher is no further than the telephone or e-mail. Report Cards are issued four times a year after each nine-week period. Students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade can earn a place on the Principal's List if they earn all A's during a grading period or on the Honor Roll if they earn a B-average during a grading period. Students who make Principal's List or Honor Roll will receive a certificate.