• Parent Involvement


    In collaboration with parents, Village Meadows Elementary has created a Parent Involvement Policy which includes activities as outlined in section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA). In accordance with this policy, Village Meadows Elementary agrees to:


    ·        Convene an annual meeting to explain the Title I program to parents and inform them of their right to be involved inthe program;

    ·        Offer a flexible number of meetings, to meet parent’s needs. Title I funds, may be used to pay related expenses sucha s child care;

    ·        Involve parents, “in an organized, on-going and timely way,” in the planning, review and improvement of Village Meadows’sTitle I program;

    ·        Provide timely information about it'sTitle I programs to parents, describe the curricula, the student assessments and proficiency levels students are expected to meet, provide opportunities for regular meetings, respond promptly to parent suggestions, and offer child care at the school during such meetings; and


    In order to build capacity for involvement, the Village Meadows Elementary staff will:


    ·       Provide assistance to parents in understanding the Common Core Standards.

    ·       Village Meadows Elementary will also offer assistance and information about state and local assessments, the requirements of this act and how to monitor their child’s progress. Village Meadows Elementary staff members will also provide parents with information as to how they can work with educators to improve the performance of their children and information as to how they can participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. This information will bes hared at the annual meeting mentioned as well as in newsletters and on the website.

    ·       Village Meadows Elementary will provide materials and trainings to help parents workwith their children to improve achievement. Materials will be distributed throughout the year by way of e-mail, written notices and/or pamphlets.

    ·       Village Meadows Elementary will educate all staff members regarding the value of parent involvement and the positive impact it has on student achievement and in understanding how to utilize parents as equal partners.

    ·      To the extent that is feasible and appropriate, Village Meadows Elementary will invite parents of students attending Head Start and all other parents of preschool-age children to fully participate in activities that help children have a smooth transition from pre-school to kindergarten. These activities include, but are not limited to, Family Curriculum Nights and Kindergarten Orientation.

    ·       Village Meadows Elementary will ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities is sent to the home of participating children in their home language.

    ·       Village Meadows Elementary will provide reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request. They will take suggestions from parents by e-mail,verbally, or in written form.

    ·      To the extent that is practical, Village Meadows Elementary will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency or with disabilities, including providing information and school profiles in a language and format that parents understand.


    In collaboration with parents, Village Meadows Elementary has created a school parent compact that supports our parent involvement policy.

    Melissa Weinman

    Principal, Village Meadows Elementary

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