• Content Replacement Pullout Model (SAGE) 
    SAGE is a content replacement program in language arts and math for identified gifted students in grades 3-6. Students meet daily in a self-contained grouping, in lieu of general education classrooms to receive their instruction in English language arts and/or math from an endorsed gifted teacher.

    Students meet daily in a self-contained grouping for reading, in lieu of general education classrooms to receive their instruction in Reading from an endorsed gifted education teacher and  Walk Up To Math (go to the next grade level math class with a teacher trained on working with gifted students ) while the gifted education specialist on campus works closely with the math teacher to ensure that the needs of each student are met and pulls out the students daily for Application Math Projects and Enrichment Math Activities STEM during RTI time .Depending on the school master schedule and numbers of students in each class, math could also be like the reading class-a pull out only model with the gifted specialist on campus.

    Curriculum, materials, and content are accelerated and enriched at the appropriate challenge level for students. The pace of instruction is quick with discussions probing for breadth and depth as well as precision and clarity. Students are encouraged to problem solve, think critically and persevere to reach their potential for achievement.
    SAGE offers an environment of like minds for the duration of a full class period in either English language arts and/or math. The SAGE learning environment provides opportunities to see and make connections from prior learning, across curricular areas, to present learning.
    Academic goals:
    Our students will develop…
    ? A command of content
    ? flexibility of thought to reach a variety of approaches to solutions
    ? effort at clarity and expression of thought
    ? depth of analysis in content areas
    ? openness to new concepts and ideas
    ? a love of learning
    Cognitive and affective goals:
    Students will develop…
    ? a spirit of collaboration and respect
    ? acceptance of differences to appreciate and respect not only the content of study but each other
    ? trust and pride in their ability to produce excellence
    ? courage to create and take risks with confidence in their own abilities and ideas
    ? responsibility as self-reliant learners
    Specialized classes or pull out programs means fewer repetitive drills and more challenging concepts. - "The achievement level of high ability students falls dramatically when they are required to do routine work at a routine pace." Kulik, James A., "An Analysis of the Research on Ability Grouping." (Spring 1993, pp 8-9). Storrs: University of Connecticut, the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/nrcgt/newsletter/spring93/sprng935.html
    Placement Qualifications
    Students who score at or above the 97th percentile will be placed in a SAGE classroom for either English Language Arts and/or Math.
    Deer Valley Unified School District has provisional placement (placement in the gifted program as long as the student is successful) when one of the following criteria has been met:
    ? A percentile score of 95 or 96 in Verbal or Quantitative
    ? A Verbal or Quantitative score of at least 85 with a Nonverbal score of at least 97 allows for provisional placement in one subject
    2nd grade students with a score of 90-94 on reading who do not qualify for Sage Reading will be placed in SPARK-reading enrichment for 3rd grade,one year only and they can retest to see if they qualify for SAGE starting in 4th grade.














    Grades 3-6



    SAGE-Student Advancement /Acceleration through Gifted Education

    *SPARK(supporting potential and achievement in remarkable kids)

    SPARK is the name of DVUSD's content enrichment program. This program is primarily for gifted

    students, but also applies to high achieving and high potential students.






    *SAGE Reading











    *SAGE Math or WALK UP TO MATH( depending on school schedule for the year and student numbers)

















    *Leadership Seminars







    *The Passion Project-for Sage Reading students in grades 4-6

    3rd grade reading instruction is still provided by the homeroom teacher with differentiation but will see the Gifted Specialist daily for 45 minutes for reading enrichment-novel studies.








    Sage Reading-4-6 content replacement/pull out program .The course is taught by the SAGE teacher and utilizes the gifted curriculum by the College of Gifted Education William & Mary. It incorporates novel studies, Socratic seminars, instruction, activities and projects that encourage creativity and are tailored for gifted students as well as technology integration.






    Sage Math-Grades 3, 4, 5- content replacement/pull out program. The course is taught by the SAGE teacher and offers acceleration of above grade level material, instruction and activities tailored for gifted students.


    6th Grade Gifted Math-students see our middle school math teacher for 7th grade math curriculum.


    WALK UP TO MATH- student walk up to the next grade level math class to receive instruction from a teacher trained on working with gifted students while the gifted education specialist on campus works closely with the math teacher to ensure that the needs of each student are met and pulls out the students daily for Application Math Projects and Enrichment Math Activities STEM during RTI time.





    Leadership Seminars-monthly seminars offered by community and state leaders to discuss leadership and future career planning.





    The Passion Project- The purpose of The Passion Project is to empower students to connect with their best ideas. It is a quarterly opportunity to synthesize your knowledge about something you’ve learned, know about or seek new opportunities to explore a passion, research it, design a choice presentation tool and teach the class about it. This sounds simple, right? It is! But it is also a lot of work.  At Gavilan Peak we believe in empowering our students with the right to and the responsibility for having a voice in how they learn. By allowing time to connect with their best ideas, we are allowing them to experience learning at its finest while encouraging risk-taking, embracing 'failures' and sharing in creative break-through.

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