• Sixth Grade Social Studies 


    Course Description:  

    The focus of history will not be memorizing facts and events but rather how to think critically about historical events, with an emphasis on ancient civilizations.



    Students will become fluent in defending claims with evidence and how to determine if a resource is reliable.  Social Studies will be a collaborative time for students to engage in purposeful discussions.  Throughout the units there will be projects and quizzes giving students an opportunity to show what they know. 


    The sixth grade Social Studies curriculum focuses on Ancient World History and includes topics such as:

    Early Humans             Mesopotamia                            Ancient Egypt                      Early India                 

    Early China              Ancient Greece                 Ancient Rome                      Middle Ages
    Renaissance            Early Civilizations of the Americas                                Economics
    Map skills, as well as historical research, will be integrated in all of the above topics throughout the year. 
    With each unit, we will be actively learning with interactive notebooks, technology, STEM activities and group/ individual projects. 


    20% Course Work
    80% Assessments 
    As we move towards standards-based grading, our categories will reflect true mastery of the standard.  Assessments will not exclusively be tests.  They may also include projects and writing.
     Students will be given sufficient time in class to complete most of the assigned work. If a student does not complete his/her work within the class period, it will be homework unless otherwise stated. Students may check out a textbook if it is needed to complete the homework assignment. Students will be expected to work independently, with a partner, in cooperative groups or as a whole class.
    Students have access to the textbook online through their SS Canvas page.