

Degrees and Certifications:

AA, Communications BA, Elementary Education Google Certified Educator, 1 & 2

Mrs. English

I am originally from Abilene, Texas, and attended high school in Glendale. I graduated from Arizona State University with my Bachelor's in Elementary Education (Go Sun Devils!). This will be my 13th year as an educator, and 10th year in the Deer Valley Unified School District.
When I am at home, I really enjoy spending time with my family and friends. My hobbies include traveling, reading, yoga/pilates, gardening, and concerts. 
Some of my favorites include:
Movie: The Princess Bride
Children's Book(s): The Harry Potter Series
Store: Target, Amazon, & Trader Joe's
Food: Mexican
Hobby: Yoga/Pilates, Reading, Gardening
Candy: Caramello, Twix, or Kit Kat
Fast Food: In & Out or Someburros
Flower: Sunflowers
Drink: Hot or Iced Chai Tea Latte (a shot of espresso with it doesn't hurt!)
Color: Teal
Animal: Elephant
Sport: Sun Devil Football!
Last Modified on July 24, 2023