
    •  I will be locking the gate five minutes after the drop-off time.  Please be on time.  If you are late, please sign your child into the office.  Just a reminder, there is no class on Friday or district-wide half days.
    • If your child is riding the bus to or from school, transportation will contact you for pick-up and drop-off times. 
    • Every child should come to school daily with a backpack and a folder. Please write your child’s name on the outside of the backpack and folder.  Please check your child’s backpack and folder nightly. It is important that your child has a complete change of clothes in a Ziploc bag with their name on it in their backpack.  Please include shorts, underwear, shirt, and socks (an extra pair of shoes can also be included in case their shoes get wet). If your child is not toilet trained, please send diapers as well as wipes to school.  You will be notified when your child’s supplies are getting low.  Please try to label everything with your child’s name to keep our Lost and Found items at a minimum:  backpacks, jackets, sweatshirts, etc.
    • We will be providing all the snack items for the entire school year.  If you would like your child to have their own water bottle, please put the children’s name on it. We will offer water frequently throughout the school day. Due to food allergies, only non-food items are allowed in the classroom for birthday and holiday celebrations.
    • If your child is going to be absent, please call the school absentee line.  Please do not send your child to school if he/she is sick.  This will help to keep all of our students and staff healthy!
    • Please note that children are not allowed to ride on a different bus or go home with anyone other than who is listed on their blue card.  The person picking up will have to bring a picture ID to pick your child up from school.  This is to ensure the safety of your child.
    • If you have any questions, please email me robin.bashaar@dvusd.org.  I will be checking my email in the morning before the school day begins and after school. You can never ask me too many questions! 
