• Illness/Emergency 

    School is a Healthy environment.  The nurse promotes a positive wellness environment to give each student the best possible opportunity to learn and reach their potential. The nurse is the consultant for students, parents and educational staff members concerning health issues and problems.  He or she may, at times, recommend further medical follow up when a health problem is suspected.

     The Health Center provides first aide and medical care primarily for illness or injuries that occur during the school day.  It is not a primary care facility like a doctor’s office.  The nurse is, however qualified to collaborate with you and your child’s physician to provide an educational environment in which your child can learn and thrive.  While the nurse does not make a medical diagnosis or prescribe medication or treatment, medication and treatment prescribed by a physician may be given in the health office. 

     Student Illness: If a student feels ill during the school day, they should report their complaint to the classroom teacher for referral to the nurse. Students are not to contact their parents directly via cell phone regarding illness unless prior arrangements have been made with the nurse. Please keep your child home if they have fever, diarrhea, vomiting, deep cough, or a potentially communicable disease.  Children with a fever of 100 degrees or more must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to school. If your child has been diagnosed with contagious illness, please contact the Health Center so parents of other students/parents in the class can be notified.  Please call your child’s doctor for advice on an ill child. Do not send ill students to school to be evaluated by the nurse.

     Encourage your child to wash hands with soap and water when possible if he/she has a cough, cold, or frequent sneezing. This is the first line of defense in the spread of germs. You may also want to send a box or packet of Kleenex with your child when these times occur.

     If your child becomes ill enough to be removed from school, has more than a minor injury, or has an emergency, you will be notified. It is the parent’s responsibility to make arrangements to pick up an ill or injured child as promptly as possible. Children are not permitted to walk home, even with permission. Please make sure that there are up-to-date home/work numbers on your child’s emergency card. Please notify the nurse immediately of any changes in phone numbers.
    Also, it is imperative that you notify the nurse if your child has any chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, allergies, heart disease, epilepsy, physical/mental disabilities, any change in status or other known conditions.