• SEI Model Implementation

     In December 2019, the Arizona Department of Education approve four new structured English immersion (SEI) models for Arizona's language develeopment approach. The models rely on all teachers sharing the responsibility for the success of English learners based on four principles:
    1. English learner (EL) students bring rich linguistic resources and cultural knowledge with them to the school environment. All systems and programs leverage these assets and provide opportunities for students to demonstrate these contributions. All systems and programs align with asset-based behaviors and expectations and provide opportunities and supports to ensure culturally and linguistically sustaining practices for EL students.
    2. All educators share the responsibility for designing instruction that integrates language and literacy development with content learning. This is accomplished by using content standards to plan instruction along with the English Language Proficiency Standards to support differentiation by language proficiency level. Through the use of scaffolded supports, academic language development, and collaborative discussions, reading, and writing, educators help students develop disciplinary content knowledge, language, and autonomy.
    3. Explicit language instruction is a critical opportunity to intentionally support English learner (EL) students in developing the discourse practices they need to engage with rigorous, grade-level disciplinary content. Just as literacy and language should be integrated into content instruction, so should content and disciplinary practices be integrated into language instruction. Educators use the English Language Proficiency Standards with content material to teach language.
    4. Districts and schools use English Language Proficiency Standards, diagnostic tools, formative assessment practices, and summative assessments to measure progress of English learner (EL) students’ language and content knowledge to inform instruction.

     For more details please visit the website. 

     AZ Department of Education new models


     Pull Out Model

    • Targeted English instruction daily, 60 minutes in K-5th grade, and 50 minutes in 6th- 12th grade.
    • This instruction is based on the Arizona English Language Proficiency standards.
    • Integrated English instruction daily, 60 minutes at K-5th grade, and 50 minutes in 6th- 12th grade.
    • Instruction is at grade level based on the content area standards with language expectations integrated in the content.



     Two Hour Model

    • 100 minutes of daily targeted English instruction based on the Arizona English Language Proficiency standards as required for the 6th-12th grade. 
    • The remainder of the students’ courses include grade level instruction based on the content area standards with language expectations integrated in the content.
    • This model is available at all five 好色导航high schools, Deer Valley Middle School, and Desert Sky Middle School.