• Library Catalog Students and parents can search for books that are available in our school library using the destiny library catalog. Students can also login to destiny (using their school login) to see what books they currently have checked out or to find out if when their books are due. Destiny Quest is available through the library catalog. Students can look for new arrivals, view the top 10 books, and conduct searches.

    Computer Use
    Computers are available to students for academic purposes ONLY. An Internet/Electronic User Agreement must be signed by all students and parents before access will be granted.

    All books that are checked out from the library are due in 2 weeks. There are no fines for overdue books. However, students are responsible paying for any lost or damaged books. Any students that have overdue books will not be allowed to check out additional books until they are returned.

    Arizona State Library-All students have access to research information. (This site can be accessed using an Arizona zip code).