•                           Singer           Dancer          Band


    Frequently check out the 好色导航arts calendar for tryouts and performance information.

    Students who feel that they need to enroll in a level of dance, chorus, or band that is higher than the entry level should plan on participating in an audition.  
    Band Auditions:
    All incoming 9th grade percussion students must sign up for Percussion Ensemble.  All other incoming 9th grade students must sign up for Concert Band.
    Orchestra Auditions
    All incoming 9th graders will sign up for Orchestra.
    For information or questions about joining band or orchestra at Goldwater, please contact:
    All incoming freshman should sign up for Mixed Choir.  Advanced Choir is available by audition only.
    Dance Auditions
    All incoming freshmen should sign up for Dance Fundamentals unless otherwise instructed by the Dance Director. 
    Contact Ms. Lachvayder for questions at:
    623-445-3274 or
    Visual Arts:
    Any student interested in skipping the Art 1-2 course must pass the Introduction to Art Exit Outcomes Assessment and provide samples of student work for review.
    Contact the Visual Arts Instructors to schedule a time to take the assessment and submit work for review.
    Band Auditions:
    All incoming 9th grade percussion students must sign up for Percussion Ensemble.  All other incoming 9th grade students must sign up for Concert Band.
    Dance Auditions:
    Incoming 9th grade students should register for Dance 1-2.  Students who wish to audition for a high level course can attend one of the following auditions in the spring semester.  Student placements will be submitted to the school registrar for adjustment. All students including incoming Freshmen are welcome at this audition, particularly if students have prior dance experience.  Dancers should come prepared for a ballet barre, tap center, pirouettes, leaps and contemporary/modern choreography. No choreography needs to be prepared for this level of auditions.
    Questions can be emailed to stacy.shane@dvusd.org.
    All incoming freshman girls should sign up for Women's Chorus.  Incoming freshman boys should sign up for Concert Choir. Advanced Performance Choir is available to sophomores through seniors on an audition/appointed basis. 
    Please see this flyer for audition information.
    Band Auditions:
    All incoming 9th grade percussion students must sign up for Percussion Ensemble.  All other incoming 9th grade students must sign up for Concert Band.
    All incoming freshman should sign up for Chorus.  Concert Choir is available to students by audition only/appointment basis only.
    Dance Auditions:
    All students who have had 2 or more years of training in Ballet or Jazz, may contact Mrs. Fasula to schedule a placement audition.
    Dance Office Phone Number: 602-467-6902
    Band Auditions:
    All incoming 9th grade percussion students must sign up for Percussion Ensemble. All other incoming 9th grade students must sign up for Concert Band.
    Students, including rising 9th graders, may audition to be considered for placement in an upper level group.

    See the link for audition information or contact:
    All incoming freshman should sign up for Chorus.  Concert Choir and Advanced Performance Choir is available to students by audition only/appointment basis only.
    Dance Auditions:
    Incoming 9th grade students should register for Dance Fundamentals. Students who wish to audition for a higher level class can submit a Level Placement Audition Video. Student placements will be submitted by the dance by the dance teacher to the school registrar for adjustment. All students including incoming Freshmen with prior dance experience are welcome to audition. Please contact Mrs. Rosinbum for information and requirements for videos. All videos should be submitted prior to the last day of school in order to be placed for the following school year.
    Questions and requests for video audition information can be emailed to katy.rosinbum@dvusd.org
    or call 623-376-6170
    Visual Arts
    Any student interested in skipping Art 1-2 must provide a portfolio of work for evaluation and placement.
    Contact Ms. Dukarm to schedule a time to take the assessment and submit the work for review at:
    Band Auditions:
    Band/Percussion/Color Guard on in July with a specified time by instrument.
    Students must demonstrate the ability to play a full range chromatic scale and march while playing a scale in rhythm. 
    Chorus Auditions
    All incoming freshmen should sign up for Chorus.  Auditions for the upper level choirs will happen in late March or early April (information will go out to 8th grade choir teachers in the spring).  If you have any questions, contact:
    (623) 445-7291
    Dance Auditions: 
    All incoming freshmen should sign up for Dance Fundamentals unless otherwise instructed by the Dance Director.
    Contact Mrs. Lucero for questions at: kristen.lucero@dvusd.org.
    Visual Arts
    Any student interested in skipping Art 1-2 must provide a portfolio of work for evaluation and placement.
    Contact Mrs. Davis to schedule a time to take the assessment and submit the work for review at: