    The following is a list of New River School staff, their web addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
    To call somebody directly, you will first dial (623) 376- and then the listed extension below.
    Please be advised, if you are calling a classroom teacher during school hours, your call will go directly to voice mail,. If it is an urgent issue, please call the front office at x3504 or x3505.
Name Title Phone Extension Email
Bacskay, Gary 6th Grade x63522 gary.bacskay@dvusd.org
Brandell, Lesli 3rd Grade x63535 Lesli.Brandell@dvusd.org
Breckenridge, Abra 5th Grade x63548 abra.breckenridge@dvusd.org
Byers, Lisa Reading Specialist x63533 Lisa.Byers@dvusd.org
Cary, Susan Kindergarten Teacher x63531 susan.cary@dvusd.org
Hancock, Lisa Special Education Teacher x63538 Lisa.Hancock@dvusd.org
Maggiora, April Speech Language Pathologist x63522 April.Maggiora@dvusd.org
Moller, Heather 1st Grade x63532 Heather.Moller@dvusd.org
Nielsen, Nikki 4th Grade x63549 nichole.nielsen@dvusd.org
Peper, Stella Physical Education Teacher x63556 Stella.Peper@dvusd.org
Reed, Sharon Special Education Teacher x63540 Sharon.Reed@dvusd.org
Richardson, Claudia Library Clerk x63562 claudia.richardson@dvusd.org
Stevens, Hank Music Teacher x63543 hank.stevens@dvusd.org
Wittman, Ashlynn 2nd Grade x63529 ashlynn.wittman@dvusd.org