6th Grade Expectations



    Middle School Grading Policy:

    The following policy has been adopted for all 6th grade classes at Diamond Canyon.


    Grading Scale

    The following is the 6th grade grading scale:


    A+  97 - 100   B+  87 - 89   C+  77 - 79   D+  67 - 69   F  0 - 59

    A    93 - 96     B    83 - 86   C    73 - 76   D    63 - 66

    A-  90 - 92      B-   80 - 82   C-   70 - 72   D-   60 - 62                           


    Students may have some homework each school night. It is our expectation that if students are on task, many assignments can be completed during the class period. In the event the assignment is not completed, it is due the following school day at the beginning of the class period.  Please notify the teachers of extenuating circumstances that may prohibit the students from completing their assigned work. 

    All papers must be legible and neat. Torn, dirty or mutilated papers will not be accepted. Extracurricular activities should not interfere with the timely completion of homework. It is the student's responsibility to plan his/her day to complete necessary assignments.



    Our goal is for students to learn the grade-level curriculum.  At the end of the teaching, an assessment will be given to see if students have mastered the learning.  The lowest grade a student will receive on any test is a 50%, but the goal would be mastery at 70% or higher.  If a student has not yet achieved mastery of the curriculum, he/she will have the opportunity to continue his/her learning and re-assess. 



    Re-assessing is available for students at the discretion of the teacher.  In order to retake an assessment, students must have given a sincere effort.  The teacher will notify students if and when retesting will take place.


    Daily Planner:

    Students will be receiving a daily planner in which they will be encouraged to fill out homework assignments for each subject area.  The planner will be brought home each day for parent review.  On occasion, the teacher may write a note on the bottom of the current day's planner page.  Please have your child notify the teacher if you give a written response or initiate a note. 

    Absence from class:

    Students who are absent from classes are responsible for the make up of both class and homework assignments. It is the student's responsibility to check with each subject area teacher to obtain all missed assignments.  Students should also see their teacher for help or explanation and to obtain any handouts needed. The student will have one school day for each day absent to make up missing assignments.  Any work which was assigned before the absence and due the day of the absence is expected to be turned in the day the student returns to school.  Any test given the day of the student's absence can be given to the student the day he or she returns to school.  It is the student’s responsibility to notify the teacher that they need to make up a test. 



    Entering class late interrupts the learning of others and prevents the tardy student from maximizing his or her learning time.  Therefore, it is crucial that students come to class on time.  Students are expected to be in their seat with all required materials at the time class starts. Students who consistently come late to any class may be issued a think sheet and/or detention.  


    The Right to Teach and Learn:

    It is the right of every teacher to teach and the right of every student to have the opportunity to learn. Any items that interfere with the learning process (hats, sunglasses, beauty aids, toys, fidget spinners, fidget puddy/slime, electronics, food, soft drinks, etc.) may be confiscated.  Confiscated items may be held for parent pick up depending on the circumstances.  No gum or candy is allowed to be brought to school.


    **Note: Sixth grade classrooms received new carpet this year. Therefore, it is imperative that your student not bring fidget puddy/slime, gum/candy to school.



    • Once the student enters Diamond Canyon campus, cell phones must be turned off and placed in the students’ backpacks all times, unless instructed otherwise by the teacher.
    • If a student is found using a phone without teacher permission, teachers may confiscate the phone and take it to the office for parent pickup.

    Classroom Expectations:

    • Be on time
    • Be prepared
    • Respect the instructor's right to teach
    • Respect your classmates’ right to learn
    • Follow directions
    • Assume responsibility for your own actions
    • Use materials wisely
    • Respect your own and other's work

    Hallway Expectations:

    • When the 8:30 bell rings, students must sit quietly outside their homeroom class (i.e., no visiting other classrooms).
    • Cell phones should be turned off and in the backpack. 

    Dress Code:

    • Girls and boys need to keep these covered: shoulders/back, chest, midriff, bottoms, undergarments.
    • No spaghetti strap, low cut, racer back, see-through shirts.
    • Symbols and language on clothing and accessories need to be appropriate.
    • Hats only on “Hat Days” in campus buildings.
    • Pjs and slippers only on “Pajama Days.”
    • Overall, your clothing should not distract from the learning environment.


    The following is the basic process that will be used in the sixth grade classrooms when dealing with students who behave inappropriately:

    1. Warning & Redirection
    2. Classroom Intervention/Think Sheet (will require a parent's signature)
    3. Parent Contact/After School Detention
    4. Office Referral

    ** Please note that the previous discipline steps may be skipped or repeated depending upon the infraction.


    A seating chart will be made in each class. Students are to be in their assigned seats when the class begins. If there is a sight or hearing problem please make teachers aware of it so we can assign appropriate seating in the room.


    Substitute Teachers:

    The sixth grade teachers expect students to treat the substitute teacher with the utmost respect and courtesy. The behavior of all individuals is to be cooperative and obedient. The position of substitute teacher is a difficult task. We expect substitute teachers to come away from the day with only the best impressions of the sixth grade students. Any problems will not be tolerated and consequences could include detentions and office referrals.



    The successful education of your sixth grade child requires the cooperation of students, teachers, and parents. Please contact us with any concerns or celebrations you may have regarding your child's academic performance. We look forward to working with you and your child to provide a well rounded educational experience. 


    PowerSchool & Progress Reports:

    We highly encourage you to stay active in your child's progress by reviewing their grades through PowerSchool. Parents can obtain a username and password by visiting the front office. 

    Students can access PowerSchool anytime by using their district username and password.




    Contact the Teachers:

    Janel.Widen@dvusd.org (tutoring Fri. 8-8:30am)                                (623) 445-8063    Science

    Macey.Wall@dvusd.org  (tutoring Tues. 3:45-4:15)                             (623) 445-8064    Math

    Colleen.Collins-Moreno@dvusd.org (tutoring Thurs. 3:45-4:15)         (623) 445-8068    ELA (English/Language Arts)

    Rosemary.Morew@dvusd.org (tutoring Wed. 8-8:30am)                     (623) 445-8067    Social Studies