Phone: 623-445-7456


Degrees and Certifications:

MA-East China Normal University, Shanghai, China BA-China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, China BA-Harbin Normal University, Harbin, China

Mr. Enpengfei Zhao

Dear parents and students:

I am Enpengfei Zhao. You could call me Mr. Zhao or 赵老师Zhào Lǎoshi. I am a Manchu, a minority ethnic group in China. My Manchu name is Mergen Aisin-Gioro. My ancestors established the Qing Dynasty, the last feudal dynasty in China's history. I am from Harbin, a large city in the northeast part of China, near the border of Russia. It’s known as Little Oriental Paris. If you have a chance to visit my hometown, your impression of China will totally be changed, because it is more like somewhere in Europe than a typical Chinese place. Harbin is a city full of different styles of western architecture, such as Baroque, Byzantine, Eclecticism, Russian, Jewish, and even Japanese. Since Harbin is near the border of Russia geographically, Harbin people's dieting is influenced by Russian. Russian-style bread and sausage are on the list of our favorite foods. Since it's very cold in Harbin during the wintertime, which lasts almost half of the year, we like ice skating and skiing as outdoor sports.  

I received two BAs and one MA in China, with double majors; English as Foreign Language and International Relations. I'm Bilingual. I can speak Chinese and English. I had taught English-Chinese translation and interpretation at Harbin University in China for more than ten years before I came to the States. I’ve been teaching Mandarin Chinese at the middle school level for eight years, one year in Tulsa Public School District, Oklahoma, and two years in Spartanburg District 7, South Carolina. This is my 7th year teaching at Gavilan Peak School. I taught 7th-grade Mandarin immersion students for two years. This is my fifth year teaching Mandarin Language Arts, and Science to 6th-grade Mandarin Immersion students. I love teaching the Chinese language and culture to my students. Students will also have fun in my Math and Science classes because we are going to do various experiments and hands-on activities in my classroom. I have been married to my wife, Yanxin Liu, for 9 years. She is also a Mandarin teacher at DVUSD. We have 2 children. My son is seven years old. My daughter is 28 months old. During my spare time, I like reading, hiking, rock climbing, cooking, volleyball and traveling. I’m looking forward to a wonderful school year with you!

赵老师 Zhào Lǎoshi/Mr. Zhao

6th Grade Mandarin Immersion Teacher

6th Grade Science and Social Studies Teacher

Classroom 403

Gavilan Peak School

你们必认识真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。—约翰福音 八章三十二节

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.

?Nelson Mandela