

Degrees and Certifications:

BA Elementary Education- Arizona State University

Mrs. Tina Conway

Hi Families, welcome to 4th Grade Math!  I am so excited for this 2024-25 school year.  We are going to have so much fun learning and exploring together as a class family.  I am looking forward to getting to know all of your children and watching them grow throughout the year.   

Education and Career:  I received my BA in Elementary Education from Arizona State University and this will be my 18th year in education.  My teaching experience began in the Paradise Valley School District, with two years being in Kindergarten, eight years in First Grade, and one year in Pre-Kindergarten.  I have been in the Deer Valley School District the past five years, with three years in 5th grade, and this will be my third year in 4th grade at Union Park!  This is such a fun age group, as they still have a love for learning and enjoy school, but are becoming more and more independent individuals.

About Me:  I am an Arizona native, I know that is pretty rare :) My husband and I celebrated 19 years of marriage just this year.  We have two children Jackson (16) who is a Junior at Sandra Day O'Connor, and Charlotte (11) who is in sixth grade here at Union Park.  We have a full fur family of two dogs, (Spade and Wallace). I love coffee/tea, Diet Coke, traveling to new places, the beach, or up north to our family cabin in the pines whenever possible to escape the heat, kayaking, reading and spending time with my family.


Contact Information


 Phone:  623-445-5800