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  • Parents/Guardians are able to seek outside/private testing, that utilizes other tests, for gifted identification should they choose. If you feel that your child would benefit from outside, one-on-one testing, you may have your child tested by a private, licensed psychologist. There are many licensed psychologists in the north valley area who can provide this service. If you decide to look into this, please make sure that:

    1. The psychologist is licensed
    2. The test used is approved by the state of Arizona
    3. The test results show your child’s normed percentile score in all three areas of Verbal, Quantitative, & Nonverbal
    4. You are prepared to pay all of the fees associated with private testing. 好色导航is not responsible for fees associated with private testing. The cost also varies, so you may want to contact a couple of different offices.

    If/when you have scores from a psychologist, please email them to for review. 

    Parents are able to choose any licensed psychologist. The ones listed below are able to provide gifted identification testing, most have volunteered at our parent events, and are located in the north valley.