FAQ's for Traditional School


    Frequently Asked Questions 

    What is a traditional school/academy?

    A traditional school provides a challenging learning environment, focuses on parent involvement, emphasizes a strict code of conduct, and provides for advanced learning opportunities with a back-to-basics philosophy. 



    What does the term “acceleration” mean at a traditional school?

    Acceleration is the advancement of student learning  at a rate that places them ahead of where they would be in the regular school curriculum.


    Is there a dress code at the traditional school?

    Yes! You can see the dress code here.


    Will Kindergarten be offered at a traditional school?

    Yes! We offer free full day kindergarten. 


    What role do parents have at a Traditional Academy?

    Parents play a strong role at a traditional school.  They have input into staffing, curriculum, dress code, homework expectations, etc.


    Are gifted services available at the Academy? 

    Yes! We have gifted services for all who qualify in K-6th grades. In addition to accelerated instruction in all classrooms, gifted students receive enrichment Project Based Learning classes daily using best practice strategies.  This instruction is delivered by a certified gifted instructor.


    What are the hours of the school? 

    Students are allowed on campus at 8:30 a.m. Classes begin at 8:45 am. Dismissal is at 3:30 p.m.