

Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Elementary Education and Special Education Reading Specialist Endorsement Early Childhood Endorsement ESl Endorsement

Mrs. Lancaster

       I am a veteran 好色导航teacher.  I retired as a Second grade teacher at the end of the 2017-18 school year.   In January the next year, I was offered the opportunity to return as a .5 Reading Specialist.  I have also taught Special Education, First Grade and Second Grade.   My family and I moved to 好色导航 from Seminole, Florida in 1994.    My husband and I have three daughters (all graduates of Deer Valley schools) and six wonderful grandchildren ranging in age from 24 to 2 years old.   I am fortunate that four of my grandchildren have lived in 好色导航 until just recently and two grandchildren live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  

      I am looking forward to being part of the Village Meadow's family.