• There are two ways to submit Canvas assignments: through the Canvas app or on a computer browser. Below are the step-by-step processes for both methods. I have also listed some troubleshooting suggestions, should you need them.

    REMINDER: Have your metronome playing on a separate device from your recording device! If you don't, it will conflict with the video's sound! Videos without a metronome will NOT receive full points!

    How to submit a video assignment in Canvas on the App:

    • In the App store or Google store, download the “Canvas Student” app developed by Instructure Inc. It’s the one with the red dots/semi circles .
    • Start the app.
    • In “Find your school or district,” type in “Deer Valley Unified School District.”
    • Login with your school username and password (the one your school email uses. You do not have to use the @learner.dvusd.org extension).
    • If your class does not appear on your homepage, click “Add courses” (either a plus or a gear depending on your mobile OS). From there, click on Beginning/Advanced Band, Band I, or Chorus I to star/favorite the class, so it appears on your home screen.
    • Press your class's card.
    • Press "好色导航"
    • Scroll down to find assignments due in the next 7 days or in the future
      •  You can also press the syllabus button to go to the syllabus.
        • From there, press "Please complete these assignments" under "Classroom Requirements" to find all the assignments and materials for the class.
      • You may also press the "assignments" tab
      • You can also press the course calendar tab to view assignments on a calendar
      • You can also find upcoming assignments in the to-do list tab
    • Select the assignment you want to complete.
    • Press the Submission tab in the top right.
    • Find “Turn In” and press it (it will look slightly greyed out).
      • If the assignment is a quiz, you may have to click "launch external application" instead.
    • Choose “Record Video” from the menu that pops up at the bottom. At this time, it may open your camera and ask permission for camera and microphone. Say yes to both.
    • Use the record button to start and stop your recording. If you are unhappy with your recording, press “retake” and start a new one. If you are happy with your recording, select “Use video” in the bottom right.
      • You can also upload an existing file by clicking "upload video."
    • Wait patiently for the loading bar to finish and a grey card labeled “Media Recording” to appear.
    • You’re done!


    How to submit a video assignment in Canvas in a computer browser:

    • Open a new window/tab in your preferred browser (I recommend Google Chrome).
    • Go to .
    • Use your school email and password (you do not have to use the @learner.dvusd.org extension) to log in.
    • Click on the Courses Tab and locate your band class.
    • Click on "Please complete these assignments" under "Classroom Requirements" to find all the assignments and materials for the class.
      • You may also click on the "assignments" tab
      • You can also click on the course calendar to view assignments on a calendar
      • You can also find upcoming assignments on the to-do list to the right of the page
    • Click the assignment
    • Read the assignment instructions and click on the submission type you choose (I recommend Media or Upload)
    • Click "Record/Upload Media."
    • In the pop-up window, click "allow" to give Canvas to access to your webcam and microphone. You may need to enable and/or update Flash plugin.
    • Wait for the site to connect to your camera.
    • Click the red button in the center to start recording. When you are done, the finish button to stop recording.
    • WATCH AND LISTEN TO YOUR RECORDING (i.e. Can you hear the metronome clearly? Is that your best sound?)
    • If you are happy with your recording, hit "Save Media."
      • If you are not, click the "Start Over" button.
    • Finally, hit "Submit Assignment" to submit the recording for grading.
      • Canvas should display a confetti burst upon successful submission.
    • Back on the home page (syllabus page) click on "Please check on your completed tasks" under "Classroom Requirements." Does it say you submitted? If so, then...
    • You're done!



    Issue: Canvas won't let me log in.

    • Make sure you went to dvusd.instructure.com, and not canvas.net to log in.
    • Make sure you tried logging in both with and without the @learner.dvusd extension.
    • Make sure you entered your password correctly.

    Issue: I can't find the class/assignment in Canvas.

    • Make sure you have added the course to your dashboard from the "All Classes" list.
    • Try refreshing the page. The assignment may have just been updated or moved by Mr. Kievert and needs to re-load.

    Issue: The camera won't work/I can't record.

    • Make sure your webcam and microphone are turned on, have power, have been properly installed with your computer, and are recognized devices in your browser. 
      • On Windows computers, check the hardware in your Control Panel (found in the Windows Menu or Start Menu). Right click on the webcam and select properties. Make sure the device is enabled. (Note: there are some computers/third party hardwares that can disable/enable your camera from a hotkey on the keyboard. Consult your computer manual for more details.) Make sure that the drivers for your device are up to date.
      • On Apple computers, from the Apple Menu, choose About this Mac and System Report. Find the Hardware list on the left. Make sure the device is enabled. (Note: there are some computers/third party hardwares that can disable/enable your camera from a hotkey on the keyboard. Consult your computer manual for more details.) Make sure that the drivers for your device are up to date.
    • Install or update Flash to the newest version.
    • Make sure your browser recognizes your webcam and microphone. You should be able to discover/test them in the browser settings.
    • Make sure you have agreed to give Canvas access to your Camera and Microphone.
    • If none of the above work, try a different browser. Internet Explorer is known to have some issues, so try Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

    Issue: I completed my assignment but Mr. Kievert never got it.

    • On the app, before logging off, make sure that a grey box labeled "media submission" appears under the submission tab. That represents the file of your recording, and it's how you know the submission made it through.
    • On a computer, make sure a green pop-up window appears saying "Assignment Successfully Submitted" The "submit assignment" tab should also change to read "re-submit assignment."
    • If your assignment spins and spins, make sure your internet is getting consistent upload and download speeds. You may need to be patient. Higher quality cameras make high quality videos, which take time to transmit. Try to limit other use of your bandwidth. Other members of the household watching Netflix or playing online video games may drastically reduce your upload speeds.
    • Try a lower quality video.
    • Try recording the video outside of Canvas with an independent webcam app, and then uploading the file to canvas by choosing "upload" instead of "record."
    • If all else has failed, create a Google Drive Folder Labeled with your name and Canvas, like so: "Luke Skywalker Canvas." Drop your video in that folder. Right click on the folder and choose share, then click on "Get Shareable link." Copy and paste that link into a comment on the Canvas, so it at least appears in the Canvas system that I got something from you, even if it is a comment.