

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Renee Spitler

Mrs. Renee is excited to be your Lead Teacher for the Union Park Preschool team! Mrs. Renee has over 30 years of experience, a bachelor's degree in Special Education from ASU, and an endorsement as a Reading Specialist. She has always had a heart for the inclusive model; and she works hard to create a learning environment where every child feels belonging and success. Your child's preschool experience will influence their mindset for years to come. It should include laughter, hugs, and compassionate guidance every day.

Mrs. Renee enjoys playing both inside the classroom and out! In her free time you will find her with her best friend (husband Joe) and amazing family. She enjoys travelling, scuba diving, boating, hiking, crafting, and reading (her favorite: historical fiction). Mrs. Renee is always taking Netflix recommendations. Want to spark a light in her eyes? Ask her about her dog or her grandchildren!

Mrs. Spitler is grateful for the opportunity to be your partner in raising capable, caring, and curious learners. Thank you for trusting our team with your most precious little people. 

Contact Information:

email:    voicemail: (623) 445-5831  




Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Pam Linhart

Mrs. Pam has superb instincts and years of experience as an educator, and she brings her heart and soul to our classroom everyday. Kids love her playful energy, her enthusiasm for the "messy" projects, and her ability to bring order to chaos.  Her love for our little Preschool tribe is contagious; you can feel the pride she takes in doing this important work. She is truly dedicated to helping all of our students discover, create, learn and grow in self-confidence and independence. 

Mrs. Pam has a beautiful, supportive family at home; her husband, daughter, and son. When she's not cutting out shapes, or sweeping up glitter...  she also likes relaxing in the pool, reading, and gardening.

We are so happy Mrs. Pam makes UP Preschool her home-away-from-home. 



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Michelle Krishnaswamy

For years, Mrs. Michelle has been pouring her time and talents into the lives of children. She has volunteered in many classrooms, served on the board of the PTSA, and became a 好色导航substitute teacher too.

She is passionate about building trust, emotional safety, and self-esteem with students. Our students know that Mrs. Michelle is always willing and ready to give a snuggle. She helps each child to feel seen, to know they are important, by making a point to give them some one-on-one attention. She brings a peaceful calm, and will gently steer kiddos toward happier outcomes. Because of the relationships she nurtures, and the bubbly enthusiasm she brings- our students learn that school is a place where they belong; just as they are.    

When she isn't at school, Mrs. Michelle enjoys spending time with her family; which includes her husband and 2 daughters, 3 rescue dogs, 2 birds and a fish. She looks forward to the weekends when her girls can come home from ASU and U of A (a house divided!) and share their new adventures into "adulting" and changing the world. She also enjoys bike riding, attending live theater and reading. 

We are so thankful for Mrs. Michelle, and all of the values and experiences that have brought her to us here at UP. 




Degrees and Certifications: