

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Heather Walsh

Welcome to the 6th Grade Toro Family!

My name is Mrs. Walsh. I'm looking forward to meeting you and learning all about Social Studies and Science. I have 2 masters degrees in education (Educational Leadership and Principalship) and an Ed.S. degree in Educational Leadership. I also have my National Boards Certificate in Early Adolescence/English Language Arts (EA/ELA). This is my 25th year of teaching. I have taught grades K-6 and college.  I have taught here in Arizona as well as in California and Wisconsin. I have taught several years in 6th grade and have taught all subjects in 6th grade so that I can support you as needed. 

I have 2 children. Hunter is 16 almost 17 and attends Sandra Day O'Connor and Skye is 20 almost 21 and will be attending ASU in the fall. I have been married for 29 years, and we have a dog named Maizy. In my free time, I watch Marvel,Star Wars, Disney and Hallmark movies. I am a big fan of Disney and call it my second home! 

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Parent Conferences: If a conference is needed, please email me and we can schedule a conference. 

Dates and times of availability: Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. (with the exception of Friday due to early release days) with an email and confirmed appointment.



Phone: (623) 445-5851

Degrees and Certifications:

Masters in Educational Leadership

Masters in Principalship

Ed.S. in Educational Leadership