Favorite Color: All gama of Blues

    Favorite Sweet Treat: KitKat, Flan, Chocolate Almonds, Raisinets 

    Favorite Salty Snack: Plantain Chips, Pirate’s Booty, Sweet Potato Chips

    Favorite Books: El Principito

    Favorite Movie: Minions

    Favorite Drinks: Coffee or Tea

    Favorite Food: Paella

    Hobby: Hiking 



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Linares

         My name is Zaida Linares, I am from the beautiful city of Caracas, Venezuela, and I speak Spanish fluently. When I was living in Caracas, I was a flight attendant for eight years, and at the same time, I worked as an airline instructor. Then, I received my Bachelor's Degree in Tourism in 1998 and worked in the hotel industry for a year. I moved to Arizona with my family in 2000, and since then, I have lived in Arizona for twenty-four years. My son's name is Victor, and he is twenty-nine years old. Victor finished his B.S. at ASU. Go, Sun Devils! He is currently working as an EMT and wants to become a doctor. My husband's name is also Victor, and he is an airline pilot. He works for Korean Airlines.

             I got my Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification at Scottsdale Community College in 2006. I volunteered at Desert Canyon Elementary School, various schools in the Scottsdale district, and Gateway Elementary School (Creighton District). I taught seven beautiful years at Mission Charter School, Incorporated, grades 3-8. Also, I taught nine years of second grade at Desert Willow Elementary School (Spanish Immersion Program). This is my third year at Union Park, and I am thrilled to continue teaching in my native language and to be part of the child's growth and development. I am eager to see their continuous acquisition of a new language; this is a beautiful opportunity for children to learn a vital skill that will last a lifetime.