• A.M. Session

    9:15-9:425 Arrival Routine: unpack backpacks and check in

    9:25-9:50 Playground or Sensory Room (heat advisory or rainy day schedule)

    9:50-10:10 Wash Hands, Snack

    10:10-10:30 Name Writing, Floor Play, Bathroom Check

    10:30-10:45 Circle Time (calendar, read aloud)

    10:45-11:25 Small Groups, Centers

    11:25-11:45 Dismissal Routine: clean up classroom, movement song, pack up 

  • P.M. Session

    1:00-1:10 Arrival Routine: unpack backpacks and check in

    1:10-1:30 Playground or Sensory Room (heat advisory or rainy day schedule)

    1:30-1:50 Wash Hands, Snack

    1:50-2:10 Name Writing, Floor Play, Bathroom Check

    2:10-2:25 Circle Time (calendar, read aloud)

    2:25-3:10 Small Groups, Centers

    3:10-3:30 Dismissal Routine: clean up classroom, movement song, pack up