
    We are all experiencing Covid fatigue regarding this pandemic. While not as rampant as it once was, COVID is still out there and cases are still being reported.

    If your child tests positive while school is in session, please do not forget to call the school nurse and report it. Current recommendation is that if a child is symptomatic and tests positive, they stay home for 5 days from the onset of their symptoms. Then, if symptoms are not present and the student has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, they can return to school. It is recommended that they wear a mask for the following 5 days (10 days total from the onset of symptoms). They do not have to have a negative test to return. If someone in the household is symptomatic or tests positive, but the student is asymptomatic, they may attend school. Please consider the severity of symptoms and comfort of your student in a learning atmosphere when sending them to school. Also, as a gentle reminder, we do have students/staff who are more vulnerable or have conditions that may cause them to have a more severe reaction to Covid. Thank you for thinking of the staff and student body when considering how or when to send your child to school.