Phone: 623-445-4300


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Abigail Lauer

Hi Second Grade Students and Families! I am Ms. Lauer and I will be your teacher for this upcoming 2023-2024 school year! I graduated from Grand Canyon University with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education with an SEI Endorsement. I am originally from Colorado and made the move out here for college and decided that right now, for the time being, I like the desert more than the snow (until this recent summer). 


Parent-Teacher communication is super important to me. The best way to communicate with me is through email: or if there is an emergency, please call the front office and they will contact me or your student. When emailing me, please allow 24 hours for a response, and on the weekends until Monday for me to get back to you!


A Few of My Favorites: 

Music: Country

Stores: Target or Lululemon

Food: Tacos

Drinks: Dr. Pepper or Iced Vanilla Latte

Color: Pink