• About the Teacher

    Miss Ruth Nechifor

    Hello everyone and welcome to Music at Las Brisas! This will be my second year of teaching. I have obtained a Bachelor of Music Education - Instrumental at Ottawa University. I have years of prior experience of teaching. I have directed a children's choir for 8 years and also involved myself in conducting a mixed choir as well as being a worship leader. My main instrument is the flute; however, I also sing and play the piano. Music is my greatest passion and I look forward to spreading this passion to the students!

    I was born and raised here in Arizona. My hobbies include spending time with family, traveling, and making music. A fun fact about me is that I have dual citizenship in the United States and Romania. I am also bilingual, speaking both English and Romanian.

    I have decided to become a music teacher because I have always enjoyed teaching what I love most. Music has changed my life and I wish to provide students with the same encouragement throughout the year. I want to create different opportunities for students to create music in ways that they love and enjoy doing. I am greatly blessed to have the opportunity to teach the future of this world!