• Hello first grade families! 

    This will be my 13th year of teaching, 12 of which were spent in first grade, the grade that has my heart.   

    I earned a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Arizona State University in 2001, and a master's degree in Early Childhood Education with a Reading Endorsement from Northern Arizona University in 2009.  I took an unexpected ten year break from teaching to tend to the needs of my family, and during that time, I joined the Family Advisory Council for Feeding Matters, a non-profit organization that supports children with pediatric feeding disorders.  I was honored to be a presenter at the 2022 virtual Pediatric Feeding Disorder conference.

    My husband and I celebrated our 26th anniversary this summer, and we have two amazing daughters and two adorable orange brother cats.  I love hiking, reading, spending time with my family, and napping with my cats when I am not immersed in all things teaching.